Fish Aficionado
This is a momentus occasion - after 5 weeks of cycling and my nitrites remaining off the chart high for 25 days, they are now 0! All being well I plan to start stocking on Friday.
Tip for everyone out there currently fishless cycling their tanks - don't overdose on ammonia! 2 or 3 ppm is it
I realised I was overdosing on ammonia by more than double. I'm pretty sure that cutting it back to he correct level is what got my cycle back going again. I did however start adding filter start at the same time as reducing the ammonia - so the controversy on "bottled bacteria" continues
Tip for everyone out there currently fishless cycling their tanks - don't overdose on ammonia! 2 or 3 ppm is it
I realised I was overdosing on ammonia by more than double. I'm pretty sure that cutting it back to he correct level is what got my cycle back going again. I did however start adding filter start at the same time as reducing the ammonia - so the controversy on "bottled bacteria" continues