Nin's Tanks

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Two Eels Are Better Than One
Chatroom Moderator
Mar 23, 2013
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This shall, obviously, be pictures..of my tanks. c:
55g - 1 Golden Gourami, 1 Albino Longfin Bristlenose Pleco, 11 Rummynose Tetras, 7 Albino Cories, 7 Khuli Loaches
20g Long - Crowntail Betta {Discord}, ~10 Corydoras Habrosus
20g Flatback Hex - 9 Pseudomugil Gertrudae, 9 Neon Tetras, 2 (1M:1F) Peacock Gudgeons
I don't have any up to date ones of anything but my 55g, so those will be posted later.
For now though, my 55g, which we just changed out the substrate, I got new lights for christmas, and we rearranged the tank.
We're also acclimating 6 more rummynose tetras to the QT tank as was recommended to add some more to make my current ones less skittish.





Dragons both got big haircuts! That is a pile of snails in front of the big one. I couldn't bear to just toss them in the trash


Bubbles on the glass that I didn't notice before taking pics.

Moon light, which looks so much better with the room light turned off. I had a pic of that but this new camera is being confusing

Also you may or may not see a reflection of my feet...
I know the plants look awful, hopefully this lighting makes them a bit happier, and hopefully will be getting some root tabs & more plants the next time we go to LFS.
Awesome! That tank has come along nicely.
I love seeing before and after with the substrate change.. :D I love it nin!
I still havn't gotten around to getting pics of ALL the tanks but I have some more of the 55g

Thank you for compliments btw!








Your tank looks great! Love them albino cories I had a few once & they are so active. Tank is beautiful - well done :)
Thank you so much. I love them too they're silly little fellows :D
Nice tanks!
I look forward to seeing your hex tank with the P. gertrudae, I LOVE that fish! Rainbows are my favorites.
Also your peacock gudgeons, would love to see those!
Thank you! I should be getting pics of those tomorrow :D Or today rather since it's 1:30 am here. :p
okay.. first, can you share with me how you do the substrate makeover? im thinking of changing mine to sand..

and pics of your 20g long please.....

Wow They look amazing great job, seeing your pics inspires me to make my own works of art :D
AP to switch over we took all of the decorations and put them in a plastic bin. Then we took the plants out and put them in a bucket with some water.
Then we lowered the water level and caught the fish and put them in a 10g tank (you could put them in a bucket, I just figured they'd appreciate the 10g tank rather than a 5g bucket)
We filled the plant bucket and the 10g with the water from their tank so the change hopefully wouldn't be as shocking, since if we hadn't done that it'd be like a 100% W/C rather than like a 75% or something.
Took out the rest of the water, scooped all the gravel out. We used our nets which was a bad idea, had to buy new ones as picking up all that heavy gravel made the netting almost fall off. We put the gravel in a bucket.
Filled the tank with a little water to clean up some of the muck which I think was actually mulm and we probably should have left it there now that I think about it. Oops. Sucked that water back out.
Cleaned the sand and poured it into the tank, put the decoratons and plants back in, filled it up with mostly new water, then added the water from the plant bucket.
Then sucked a good bit of water out of the 10g into a bucket and poured that in the tank, then netted the fish and put them in and added the rest of the water from the tank they had been sitting in.
I forget if we turned the tank lights off or not, but it's a good idea to have them off to reduce stress.
I am not sure if that is the easiest way to do it but that's how we did it. We didn't lose any of the fish.
The khuli loaches have become a lot more active, the cories seem about the same although now if I look closely I can see them sifting the sand through their gills.

I'm really sorry for no pictures, I woke up quite late today (like 5:45 pm late..) showered, fed the fish, left the house to get food, came back, ate, and the lights are about to go out on the tanks now so no time to take any pics!
I may turn the timers off and go ahead and take some but did want to apologize in advance if I don't. There should definitely be some tomorrow though! >.<
Thank you Marfy! 
I feel like it's nothing compared to most peoples I see on here so am really glad to hear everyone's compliments. I love it for the most part and I think my fish love it so I am happy with that.
*Edit* While the lights were off since I wrote that (I thought they went off at 10:30, but they go off at 9:30 so when I wrote that it was already too late), I had gotten a few (very few) pics earlier today. Bad ones.
This is why it's hard to get pics of the peacock gudgeons..Can see one of the gertrudae in the back though!


Will get better pics tomorrow hopefully. If ^those are even classified as pics haha. They come right up to the front of the glass so can't really get any good pics of them. Cutiepies

Here is my bamboo shrimp! I got pics as it was the first time I'd seen him on the front of the mesh.


Side view..I found it odd about his colors being so bright. He had been in his cave for a few days before this, not coming out. Maybe he'd be molting soon?
I go and put the camera on my desk, and hear my fiance make a very horrified noise.



I was right! But sad I didn't get to watch him do it. I hope that this means he is getting sufficient food and growing in my tank!
Okay, here are some awful photos of the 20g Flatback Hex.
Because of how bad they are, I decided to take a video. Looked GREAT on the camera. Spent hours trying to upload it so I could link it here. 360p. Awful.

Hours..because for around 2 I was attempting to upload it to photobucket. Computer turned off randomly. So decided to upload to youtube. That took the same amount of time if not longer.
I just now went to get links for the pics off of photobucket..guess what had actually uploaded on there. The video of course. 







Here is the video. Youtube said it was shaky and so apparently it's being edited somehow..not sure how that is going to make it look >< My apologies for terrible quality pics and vid's something? 
And now when going to grab the link for it, it shows that it is still being edited but it is able to be viewed in 1080p. Still doesn't look that great but..better than 360p.</embed>
I have pics of the other tanks and a vid of the 55g but will be uploading them later as this took so long. Time for bed.
Hopefully someone enjoys these.
Nin, a great update!
Some beautiful pics, esp of the bamboo shrimps, snails and cories.
The substrate change did everything for your tank, looks really good and glad no major problems, even the bamboo shrimp moulting is an excellent sign that you must be doing good.
A job well done! 
Disappointed I didn't see this earlier. Love your tanks!
What a difference that substrate made!!! I'm sure the corys and kuhlis are much happier!
Glad that the bamboo shrimp finally climbed onto your mesh! Awesome he molted, means your tank is perfect for him ^_^
What plants are you wanting to add?
Just my little bit, have you thought of adding a black background? 
I don't know how it looks in person, but I find that current background kind of distracting, just how it sort of starts and ends (IDK if that makes sense?). Just ignore me if it doesn't look that bad :lol: 

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