Newbie Here :)


Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2013
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Hi everyone,
I've been lurking for a while but thought I'd sign up and talk to some of you lovely knowledgable people directly :)
I've just moved into my own place after being away at university, and I want to add some fishy friends to my life!  I used to have goldies and shubunkins but my new house is teeny and I haven't the room to keep them properly, so they've been rehomed to the pond in my grandparents' garden.  Instead I'd like to go tropical - it's a bit of a beginner's cliche but I really want a siamese fighting fish.  I've loved them for years but my parents wouldn't let me have a tropical tank and the cold water setup.
Non-fish related stuff...I have a large lop-eared rabbit named Squirrel who thinks he's a dog, I'm a huge fan of JRR Tolkien, I enjoy hillwalking and I love to cook.
I think that's everything 

SmokedPaprika said:'s a bit of a beginner's cliche but I really want a siamese fighting fish.  I've loved them for years but my parents wouldn't let me have a tropical tank and the cold water setup.
  ask away and we will do all we can to assist.
Good luck in your new home and lovely to have somewhere that is now your own, handy to like cooking.
What sort of tank and equipment have you been considering?  Do not rush and take a look at the Beginners Resource Section, especially the part on cycling an aquarium - the fish-less version is the better option.
As for fighters you are in the right place ;) but
MTS is highly contagious and a definite with fighters
Welcome to the forum! You should see if there's a Freecycle group in your area and check them out for used tanks. It's where I got all 7 of mine! And do take a look at the beginner's section. Lots of good stuff to take in there.
SmokedPaprika said:
Hi everyone,
I've been lurking for a while but thought I'd sign up and talk to some of you lovely knowledgable people directly

I've just moved into my own place after being away at university, and I want to add some fishy friends to my life!  I used to have goldies and shubunkins but my new house is teeny and I haven't the room to keep them properly, so they've been rehomed to the pond in my grandparents' garden.  Instead I'd like to go tropical - it's a bit of a beginner's cliche but I really want a siamese fighting fish.  I've loved them for years but my parents wouldn't let me have a tropical tank and the cold water setup.
Non-fish related stuff...I have a large lop-eared rabbit named Squirrel who thinks he's a dog, I'm a huge fan of JRR Tolkien, I enjoy hillwalking and I love to cook.
I think that's everything 
Talk about an animal with a species disorder. 

Welcome to the forum.
Nothing "cliche" about wanting a betta.  They are some of the absolutely most stunning fish in the trade.  They are small, and don't need a ton of space, which is ideal for a small home.  I'm considering getting one (or more) myself - actually for my 7 year old.
RCA said:'s a bit of a beginner's cliche but I really want a siamese fighting fish.  I've loved them for years but my parents wouldn't let me have a tropical tank and the cold water setup.
  ask away and we will do all we can to assist.
Good luck in your new home and lovely to have somewhere that is now your own, handy to like cooking.
What sort of tank and equipment have you been considering?  Do not rush and take a look at the Beginners Resource Section, especially the part on cycling an aquarium - the fish-less version is the better option.
As for fighters you are in the right place
MTS is highly contagious and a definite with fighters
Thank you!  Yes, it's been fun setting the house up and putting things where I think they should go :) are those your bettas in your signature?  They're gorgeous 

Yes,  I'll definitely do a fish-less cycle; it sounds much more humane, and gives me plenty of time to decide which fish to go for.  I was thinking quite a small tank, one of the all in one set-ups that seem to be in a lot of pet shops.  Not a BiOrb though, they look too much like fish bowls!  I know nanos are harder to maintain but I really don't have much space :/ ideally I'd like to do a betta with a shoal of something smaller and maybe some shrimp and/or snails, though I know betta's tempers can vary...would something around 50-60 litres give enough space?  Also, what's MTS?
This Old Spouse said:
Welcome to the forum! You should see if there's a Freecycle group in your area and check them out for used tanks. It's where I got all 7 of mine! And do take a look at the beginner's section. Lots of good stuff to take in there.
Yes, there's loads of great info - I'm actually a bit boggled, I don't know where to start with it all!
eaglesaquarium said:
Talk about an animal with a species disorder. 

Welcome to the forum.
Nothing "cliche" about wanting a betta.  They are some of the absolutely most stunning fish in the trade.  They are small, and don't need a ton of space, which is ideal for a small home.  I'm considering getting one (or more) myself - actually for my 7 year old.
They are wonderful - so graceful, and some of the colours are unbelievable.  And yes, I suppose Squirrel does have a species disorder 
he licks me, growls at strangers and shreds my post!
Thanks for all the welcomes and encouraging words; I can tell I'm going to learn loads here, and hopefully won't make too many horrific mistakes!
Just take it slow, read lots on here and you'll be fine.
MTS = Multiple Tank Syndrome. You can never have enough!
Hi paprika,
As soon as I read the word betta in your first post I knew RCAs post would follow lol. Yeah, a 60 liter should be enough for a nice betta and a shoal of tetras or rasboras.
MTS= multiple tank syndrome OR Malaysian trumpet snail.
Good to have you on the forum and look forward to reading a journal on this tropical tank hopefully!
Welcome to the forum!
It's great to see you're doing a bit of research before jumping in to things and looking at fishless cycling. That's a mistake quite a lot of people make (including myself) so you're really off to a head start :)
I'd love to have a betta tbh, I say it most times bettas come up as they really are great looking fish :p I haven't found space for a second tank yet though!!
Maybe I will later this year when I go to uni, if I can manage to keep a tank without anybody knowing...
TallTree01 said:
Hi paprika,
As soon as I read the word betta in your first post I knew RCAs post would follow lol. Yeah, a 60 liter should be enough for a nice betta and a shoal of tetras or rasboras.
MTS= multiple tank syndrome OR Malaysian trumpet snail.
Good to have you on the forum and look forward to reading a journal on this tropical tank hopefully!
Thanks, TallTree!  I need to work out how to put photos up before I start a journal...well, I think a tank is fairly crucial too :)
Joshwainwright said:
Welcome to the forum!
It's great to see you're doing a bit of research before jumping in to things and looking at fishless cycling. That's a mistake quite a lot of people make (including myself) so you're really off to a head start

I'd love to have a betta tbh, I say it most times bettas come up as they really are great looking fish
I haven't found space for a second tank yet though!!
Maybe I will later this year when I go to uni, if I can manage to keep a tank without anybody knowing...
A friend of mine had a chinchilla at university; when the landlady or letting agent came round she would put a table cloth over the cage, and nobody was any the wiser...
I didn't know about fishless cycling when I had my cold water tank 
but my goldies and shubunkins seemed to thrive anyway, they grew humongous.  Still, I'd rather do things right this time.  
Random question, I'm thinking of trying live plants, is that possible in a small tank?
SmokedPaprika said:
A friend of mine had a chinchilla at university; when the landlady or letting agent came round she would put a table cloth over the cage, and nobody was any the wiser...
I didn't know about fishless cycling when I had my cold water tank 
but my goldies and shubunkins seemed to thrive anyway, they grew humongous.  Still, I'd rather do things right this time.  
Random question, I'm thinking of trying live plants, is that possible in a small tank?
That's my plan, either that or finding something that will fit in a cupboard that isn't too small

Golfish are pretty hardy fish so that's probably why they survived, you probably ended up with a cycled tank without even realizing.
Live plants are definitely possible in a small tank. It depends more on the lighting, CO2 dosage and fertilizers. Don't worry though, as long as you have light then some plants will be possible for you!
Anyway, off to bed for me

7am start again tomorrow... DARN YOU COLLEGE!
@ josh wainwright- get beetles! There's sooo many experiments you could say theyre being used for.
Joshwainwright said:
Anyway, off to bed for me

7am start again tomorrow... DARN YOU COLLEGE!
Just wait until you get to university :) you'll hardly see 7AM, unless you've stayed up until that time! *Nostalgia*
Welcome Smoky! If it were me I'd get the biggest tank I could afford now. Otherwise you'll be upgrading sooner rather than later!

You should also be fine growing plants in a small tank. Maybe get some plant food and make sure it's well filtered but you don't need to worry too much about CO2 just yet. Maybe if you get into it and want to go high tech!
Lunar Jetman said:
Welcome Smoky! If it were me I'd get the biggest tank I could afford now. Otherwise you'll be upgrading sooner rather than later!

You should also be fine growing plants in a small tank. Maybe get some plant food and make sure it's well filtered but you don't need to worry too much about CO2 just yet. Maybe if you get into it and want to go high tech!
Thanks Lunar Jetman! :) Are there any specific plants that work well in a small tank, or doesn't it matter?  
I think you just want plants that won't grow too large. Crypts come in various sizes but there are plenty of small ones, e.g. Wendetti is quite small. You can also get things like dwarf hairgrass or other smaller plants but on the whole, as long as you know how big they can grow to, most plants should be ok. As long as they are aquarium plants of course!

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