Newbie HELP - Betta with swim bladder disorder

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May 30, 2017
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Hi – I recently bought a betta fish from Petco. I was there with a friend who was buying aquarium stuff and I felt sorry for the little guys. I got one that had been there a while as most people thought he was ‘ugly’. I got a 3 gallon tank with a filter, heater, live plants, moss ball and a log cave. I thought I was doing everything right. I noticed he was sinking after the first week and after researching online, it sure seems like swim bladder disorder. I turned off the filter (as it seemed to be too hard for him to swim), emptied half of the water so he can reach the surface easier, and slowly increased the temp to 80. I fasted him for two days and gave him a blanched frozen pea, no skin, about ¼ which he promptly ate. There were no changes, so I repeated this again – 2 days of fasting and then the pea – still no change. If it’s not constipation, do I still feed him? His belly doesn’t look bloated, but I am new to this so it’s hard to say. It’s frustrating because my friend also bought a baby betta, put him in a goldfish bowl with gravel and nothing else and he’s doing great. He’s 3 times his size now! What am I doing wrong? On the up side, he comes up for air just fine and gets excited when he sees me (I assume he thinks I’m going to feed him), and he flares up like crazy when I turn the tank light on – he sees his reflection and thinks it’s another betta! He acts very tough like this is his tank and no fish is coming into his space! Given that, he seems happy, other than I can’t feed him and his bottom half sinks down. He also lies on his side at the bottom sometimes. Will he be ok to live like this? Thanks for any help – I’m a total newbie!!
Seems like you're doing everything right so far. Just make sure you're keeping your water pristine and not over feeding. The only other advice I would try is adding some salt, which you will want to read up on a bit so that you know what you're doing with it. Also it's pretty common for betas to sleep lying down (usually on leaves or hardscape) so don't worry about that just yet.
thank you for the reply - do I continue to feed him normally as if he's not constipated, or will that make him worse? Since the constipation treatments haven't worked, can I assume his SBD is caused by something else?

gave him a blanched frozen pea
Please do not feed him pea, If you need a natural laxative gice him Daphnia.

I gather he is in an uncycled tank?
What are you water parameters?
How often do you change water?
Can you please provide a photo of the fish?
What do you feed him and how much?

do I continue to feed him normally as if he's not constipated,
No stop feeding him for at least 3 or 4 days, you may need to give him an epsom salt dip.


Epsom Salt is magnesium sulfate, which you may know as a saline (salt) laxative or a remedy to reduce swelling for humans. It is easily found nearly anywhere, often in first aid aisles and even in gas stations! Please note that humans use Epsom as a means to relax when infused into bathwater, so sometimes it has dyes or is scented. Please only use unscented, undyed Epsom when medicating your fish!

What's Epsom do?:
Epsom has a bunch of uses. Not surprisingly, its uses in fish are very similar to its uses in humans. When used properly in fish, it can act as a laxative as well as a means to reduce swelling. If used correctly in fish that have swim bladder disorder (SBD), epsom can help them swim better and even be able to sink.

What does this mean for my fish?:
These qualities mean you can help a bloated or constipated fish expel backed up waste and feel good again, as well as reduce swelling that may be caused by disease or infection. The swelling Epsom can assist with includes: popeye, external wound infection swelling, and in some cases relieve pressure from dropsy.

How much of this salt per gallon do I use?:
For Epsom, you use 1 TABLEspoon (TBSP) per gallon of water. This is three TEAspoons (TSP).

How long does the betta stay in this mixture?:
In Epsom, the betta should stay in for 10-15 minutes, with 10 being less severe need and 15 being a more severe need. Never exceed this time!

How long should my fish be left to acclimate before going back into its tank in this mixture?:
Acclimate your fish (see below) for 2-5 minutes before going back to avoid shock.

How to prepare (any) dip for your fish:

Prepping for the dip is the same for either salt type. You will need:
  • a clean fish-only 1 gallon container
  • a smaller container
  • Water conditioner
  • a measuring spoon
  • thermometer
  • net
  • your undivided attention!
  • watch/timer/alarm
  • salt per your needs

Here's what you need to do:
  1. Fill your gallon container very fully with clean, treated water. Make sure the water is the same temperature as the water the fish came from in its tank via the thermometer. This prevents temperature shock.
  2. Add the salt per recommendation and stir it until it is fully dissolved.
  3. Get a second container with 1/4 salted water like your 1 gallon tank, and the rest (3/4) with tank water (this is the "reviving station").
  4. Carefully get your fish from its home and gently put it into the water. You must make sure that the fish does not pass out! You can tell if a fish has conked out if it is no longer breathing (look at its gills, by the eyes) or if it lists to the side and becomes still. It may knock out due to the sudden change in salinity (saltiness) of the water, but can be revived.
  5. *If the fish passes out or becomes extremely stressed, remove it! Carefully but hastily put the fish into your reviving station to revive. Then, put it into its home again and try the dip another time.
  6. If the fish is not super stressed and does not pass out, be very attentive during the recommended time in the dip as the fish may jump due to discomfort or stress. Pay close attention to how long the fish has been in the dip and do not exceed the time!
  7. Once the fish is finished, put it into the reviving station to adjust back to more normal water parameters. Then, without pouring the salty water into your tank, put the fish back into its home to recover.

I would try is adding some salt

Aquarium salt is useless in treating SBD. I personally think salt in a freshwater aquarium is pointless.

Aquarium salt is good as medication for external issues only.
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Thanks – I’m asking about feeding him because I have followed the ‘how to cure constipation’ routine twice now with no results. So, I’m wondering if his SBD is caused by something other than constipation? To answer your questions:

I gather he is in an uncycled tank? – yes – I’ve only have him and the tank for 2 weeks
What are you water parameters? – I’m not sure what this means
Ammonia – no idea
Nitrite – no idea
Nitrate- no idea
How often do you change water? – I’ve only had him two weeks so I haven’t changed it yet; it’s been running without the filter for 3 days
Can you please provide a photo of the fish? – once I get home, I’ll attach a pic
What do you feed him and how much? – Betta pellets – 2 in the AM and 2 in the PM – I stopped feeding all together once he started sinking.

I’ll try the Epsom salt bath.
How often do you change water? – I’ve only had him two weeks so I haven’t changed it yet;
I suspect ammonia is a huge issue at the moment
You need to change water, 60% today then 50% tomorrow then 50% every other day, You really need a test kit to test for ammonia.

What brand of water conditioner do you use? Eg Seachem prime.
I just did a 50% water change. The conditioner brand is Imagarium. Here are two pics of Tyson:



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Yes, it is being caused by something else if your pea remedy had no effect. (Which I disagree with Nick and think peas are just fine)
That helps - any other remedies to try? If it's not constipation, which it doesn't look like to me because he's not bloated looking, (but I am brand new at this), do I feed him, or not?

I do not see any bloating, Like I said earlier I suspect ammonia and nitrites are the main issue.

The conditioner brand is Imagarium.
Who makes it? I cant seem to find anything about it.
Can anyone answer as to whether they think it's constipation or something else? If not constipation, do I keep feeding him? Thanks!
Thanks Nick - the local pet store can test the water for me. What's the next step to fix the watyer? Should I feed him like normal? Two pellets per day?
Should I feed him like normal? Two pellets per day?
What sort of pellets are they? Brand name?

The conditioner brand is Imagarium.
Can you give me more information on this who makes it or something like that please. Untill I know more about this product I cant say its good or bad. I would suggest you get a small bottle of Seachem Prime because you are now doing a fish in cycle and prime binds the nasties temporarily between water changes.

You need to read this.
Rescuing A Fish In Cycle Gone Wild - Part I

Rescuing A Fish In Cycle Gone Wild - Part Il

Cycling Your New Fresh Water Tank: Read This First!

2 pellets a day depends on the size of the fish and pellets.

Me feeding one of my young males.
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Thanks for the article resources. Here is the conditioner (sorry I spelled it wrong) and the food I'm using. I've done two 50% water changes and the first time the water was slightly yellow (see attached). It still has that yellow tinge, but is a little less yellow. Thanks!!!


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I've read through the articles and I don't understand why I am having so much trouble yet my friend who put his Betta in a bowl with tap water and gravel has a thriving fish? I did the research before setting up Tyson's new tank and I ran the filter for 24 hours without the fish. I also used conditioner. What went wrong?

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