Newbie Advice And Check List


New Member
Mar 7, 2014
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Hi All, 
I'm looking to start up a small tank of schooling/schoaling fish to put in my room, I have chronic health issues and find fish very relaxing to watch, groups of fish more so. 
The tank I'm looking at currently is this don't want to go much bigger, if at all, because of the weight of the tank. What sort of fish, and how many would be suitable for this tank? 
For example neon tetras appeal to me, as do dwarf neon rainbow, guppies, pearl danios. Lets face it, anything shiny  

eta: I also like the look of Ember Tetras, Sparkling Gourami, Indostomus Crocodilus, Normans Lamp eye, Emerald Dwarf Danio, Green Neon Rasbora, Chocolate Gourami, Sundadanio axelrodi, Bluefin Nothobranch, Chilli or Sparrow borararas 
Are any of them suitable for the tank I have posted? 
The tank comes along with a filter and heater so i shouldn't need to buy one of those but this is what my shopping list looks like
Tank set
Water test kit
Substrate (gravel?)
Fish food
Water declorinator 
Gravel Syphon 
Bucket for water changes
Tank lighting (not sure what or if I need?!)
Air pump thingy (again do i need this?)
Are there any items I need to steer clear from for the type of fish I'm after? I am a complete newbie so need all the advice I can get, I want to do this right
having done a bit more reading I would like to put Chili Rasboras in my tank, and potentially Emerald Dwarf Rasboras in my tank. How many can be comfortable in a 25l tank please? 
I'm also interested in shrimp, can these be kept with raspboras? If so how many can I have and what types would be best? I like the Sakura Red Shrimp and Yellow Cherry Shrimp, I've no interest in breeding them so I'm not concerned that the fish may eat the young
Hi there, welcome to the forum :)
First of all, you need to read up on cycling your tank. That's growing a colony of good bacteria, in the filter, which eat the fish's wastes for you. There are plenty of articles in out 'Cycle your Tank' sub forum. You'll need a bottle of household cleaning ammonia for that.
That tank is very small; I would strongly (very strongly!) recommend you look at something larger if at all possible. Very small tanks can actually be quite difficult, as you don't have a large enough volume of water to dilute any potential problems.
If you do go for that tank, you'd be looking at no more than six or seven fish and, as these tiny fish need the security of a shoal, that would limit you to one species only, although you could have shrimps as well.
Sorry to say, but in a 25l tank you won't have much room for more than some shrimp and maybe 10 very small shoaling fish. Neons aren't the best starter fish though and for your tank actually quite big. I don't know what fish don't eat shrimp because I don't have an interest in them at the moment, but obviously there are shrimp friendly fish out there. They need to be small though, and really a maximum of 10. From a quick search on the web you could have 5 of each that you mention above, but only if they are compatible.
You haven't added household ammonia to your check list, which is essential to do a fishless cycle. Please don't do a fish-in cycle. They take longer and they are cruel to fish. They are also expensive because you have to buy products from fish shops, which generally don't work anyway. Ammonia is cheap and it's the best way to do it, and there's no risk of poisoning your fish because they are not there yet :)
If you're not sure what a cycle is then there's a thread on here about it. You can also google 'nitrogen cycle in aquarium' or YouTube it......
Welcome to the forum btw :)
thank you both :) I've done plenty of reading on cycling I should have mentioned that :) There really isn't anywhere I would dare put a bigger tank unfortunately (bar the floor and with mobility issues, 4 cats and a dog that's not a good idea) but I'm quite content to just have 6 or 7 fish and no shrimps.
My parents are quite keen to have a tank downstairs once we redecorate and work out what could fit and where, I can live out my shrimpy dreams then ;) 
I know that you said you wanted some schooling fish, but another option you have could be getting a betta. They are very pretty little fish and they have big personalities. Plus your tank would be a good size for him/her :)

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