Newbee With A Question


New Member
Dec 26, 2012
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I have a 60gal tank that im starting up. I've done a lot video watching and reading. Some ideas on what kinds of fish to keep. I know that I would like cory cat, ghost shrimp. Also what would be a good diver tank.
There are SO many choices and a 60 gallon is big enough to do some nice fish.
Cory are great. Keep in mind they need either sand or a smooth round substrate (sand is best) as any sharp or sharpish edges will damage the fish. Also cory cats LOVE to be in groups so plan on getting 6 of them! You will be glad you did as a family of cory is a happy thing to watch.

Next you have to decide what kind of tank you want...meaning do you want a peaceful community tank...a tetra dominant tank...or a more aggressive tank like tiger barbs (green tiger barbs are awesome)?

I have to say I'm not familiar with the term "diver tank"...what does this refer to?
I'd mention that if you are certain that you want cories, you should stick to a peaceful community... after all, cories are about as docile as fish get.

Green tiger barbs are awesome, and I REALLY wanted tiger barbs, but cories were my top choice as well. I had them as a kid and when I set up my new tank, that was my number one fish on my list. There are other barbs that look similar to the tigers that are more peaceful (five banded barbs), but I could never find them in my LFS, so I went with harlequin rasboras - VERY peaceful and nice shoalers.

What are the dimensions of your tank? What's your water like? pH? Hardness?
Harlequins are amazing little fish, I got 20 in my tank along with 20 five banded barb :D
I have kept cory with gold barbs. There was no aggression in my case (bronze cory). The cory stayed on the bottom and the gold barbs stayed in the mid to upper part of the water column. I have not kept them with tigers though so they may be different.

I agree that harlequins are also great fish.
I never did it, but one of the members here a while ago tried... The cories were being attacked by the tigers. He ended up splitting them into separate tanks, and had no further problems with either. I can't remember which member it was, it was a while ago - about a year and a half ago.
That would be an interesting thread to hunt down. I wonder what the numbers of barbs was? I would suspect larger numbers of barbs would reduce aggression toward other tank mates. I had 12 gold barbs so perhaps if I only had 5 the result would have been as horrifying as the thread you mention!

It certainly is enough to suggest caution.
Just a guess but I'm sure there were factors that precipitated the problems. Either numbers, size of tank, hiding places...I don't know what without seeing the actual discussion but somewhere in there is probably a causality. Maybe it's nothing more than bronze cory and panda cory are acceptable and other kinds aren't...not sure but certainly an interesting notion to explore.
I can't remember, which type of corydoras it was, but you could very well be right.
I'm getting ready to go out of town for a couple of weeks so I don't have time to dig around the forum right now but maybe when I get to the hotel I can play. If you find it before I do post it here. I'm curious about the situation.
I can't believe I actually tracked it down!!!


Post #9 is the poster I was mentioning, I don't know if Tizer ever posted a specific update about this experience, but it says he's still active on the site, so it might be worth asking him about the situation.

Here's his exact comment:

[font=Helvetica Neue'][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]
I'll never have angel fish, so that's not a problem, but the black skirts are the next best thing, and the barbs won't lay off.

So you think the barbs will nip the cory??

I got rid of the tigers in my big tank, nearly all my bronze corys ended up with no dorsal fins
Growing back slowly now though. As much as i loved the tigers, they had to go back, much happier tank now. shame really, fantasic looking fish.

[font=Helvetica Neue'][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Here's the message from fluttermoth that This Old Spouse is responding to:[/background][/font]
[background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]

That's a tricky one...

I wouldn't put the barbs in any tanks with cories; they're far too boisterious. Would it be easier to move the tetras intead?
Good job! Though it doesn't give the size Tizer does say "big tank"...I'm not sure what that means but we'll assume size wasn't the issue.

Of course as I stated my experience was with gold barbs which are not as boisterous as tigers. My tigers were by themselves. Also, fluttermoth had the same experience. I would say then that tigers are not good with cory as a general rule.

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