New to this forum, but not new to the hobby!


New Member
Oct 6, 2021
Reaction score
Kentucky, US
Hey guys!

I'm new here, but I've been keeping fish for pretty much my entire life - first, with the help of my grandmother as a child, and then on my own as a teenager and an adult. I've kept freshwater, brackish, and saltwater tanks, but don't really prefer one over the other two. I take spells where I'm all about Neocaridina shrimp, then I'm all about breeding livebearers, then I'm off to buy some new coral, then I'm cultivating a new live food, etc... I'm all over the place! But, I'll always love my puffers over everything else. Despite my profile pic being of my Flowerhorn, I really do love my puffers, so I'm sure you guys will be seeing more than your fair share of them!

Here are a few of my tanks and their inhabitants:

First up, my Green Spotted Puffer. He lives in a high-end brackish (1.018) 36 gallon by himself. I've had him for a little over a year and a half, but have owned another GSP before.

Next, my Figure 8 Puffer! He lives in a low-end brackish (1.004-ish) 20 gallon long with a group of bumblebee gobies, a few Balloon Molly fry, and a single platy that snuck in somehow.

Next in line is Nanaue, the Flowerhorn in my profile picture. He's named after the Nanaue from the DC universe - he's incredibly aggressive, and I had just watched Suicide Squad a couple weeks before I got him, so... Y'know. He's about 4" at the moment, and lives in a 40 breeder alone. He'll be getting his own 120 whenever he outgrows this tank.

Almost last, but not nearly least, is my marine betta. I got him at the same time I got Nanaue, and he's currently hanging out in a 10 gallon QT tank before he goes to live in my FOWLR setup.

And, the last fish I'd like to share in this thread are probably my Long-Fin Mocha Clownfish. I've got a pair that I've had for roughly six months. They're actually currently living in a plastic bin (cycled and heated) due to a tank move, but they'll likely be going into a reef system fairly soon.

Thanks for the read! See ya around.
Welcome to TFF. Hope you enjoy it here. Lots of helpful members here to share their knowledge. Hope you share your knowledge as well

In mid December our Fish of the Month contest will feature any fish at all but we're especially looking for oddball fish. Your Puffer OR your Flowerhorn would make for a great entry in the contest.
Our tank of the month contest will be accepting entries at the end of this month. We will be featuring tanks sized at 31 gallons and larger. You might considering entering one of your tanks.

Meanwhile, please vote in our present Tank of the Month contest.
That first puffer looks to have a 36 solar system universe to himself.
Yeah, he has to have the tank to himself! They're pretty aggressive fish. I've tried other aggressive tank mates before (in larger tanks), and they just didn't work out! That's okay, though - he's got plenty of personality to make up for it!

Welcome to the forum! :hi:

Gorgeous fish. :)
Thank you so much! You're in Lawrenceburg - ever been to Petropolis Live? I'm in Richmond, so it's a long trip, but I still head out that way to check what he has every now and then!
Nice fish. How do you maintain exact salinity?
For my brackish fish, I don't. They're naturally very adaptable to swings in salinity, so I just get it pretty close and test it with my refractometer every month or two to make sure I'm not way off. For my FOWLR tanks, I typically just top-off freshwater by hand to a fill line I draw on the tank in sharpie, since fish are usually pretty okay with salinity swings. In reef tanks, I usually go with an auto top off, since corals tend to be much more sensitive to salinity swings than fish.
Yeah, he has to have the tank to himself! They're pretty aggressive fish. I've tried other aggressive tank mates before (in larger tanks), and they just didn't work out! That's okay, though - he's got plenty of personality to make up for it!

Thank you so much! You're in Lawrenceburg - ever been to Petropolis Live? I'm in Richmond, so it's a long trip, but I still head out that way to check what he has every now and then!
Yes I have! That’s my LFS actually, love love that place. It’s around a 15 minute drive for me, so it’s super convenient. :D

It’s cool to meet a fellow aquarist from Kentucky, :good:
For my brackish fish, I don't. They're naturally very adaptable to swings in salinity, so I just get it pretty close and test it with my refractometer every month or two to make sure I'm not way off. For my FOWLR tanks, I typically just top-off freshwater by hand to a fill line I draw on the tank in sharpie, since fish are usually pretty okay with salinity swings. In reef tanks, I usually go with an auto top off, since corals tend to be much more sensitive to salinity swings than fish.
Do you keep a reef or FOWLR?
Hey guys!

I'm new here, but I've been keeping fish for pretty much my entire life - first, with the help of my grandmother as a child, and then on my own as a teenager and an adult. I've kept freshwater, brackish, and saltwater tanks, but don't really prefer one over the other two. I take spells where I'm all about Neocaridina shrimp, then I'm all about breeding livebearers, then I'm off to buy some new coral, then I'm cultivating a new live food, etc... I'm all over the place! But, I'll always love my puffers over everything else. Despite my profile pic being of my Flowerhorn, I really do love my puffers, so I'm sure you guys will be seeing more than your fair share of them!

Here are a few of my tanks and their inhabitants:

First up, my Green Spotted Puffer. He lives in a high-end brackish (1.018) 36 gallon by himself. I've had him for a little over a year and a half, but have owned another GSP before.

Next, my Figure 8 Puffer! He lives in a low-end brackish (1.004-ish) 20 gallon long with a group of bumblebee gobies, a few Balloon Molly fry, and a single platy that snuck in somehow.

Next in line is Nanaue, the Flowerhorn in my profile picture. He's named after the Nanaue from the DC universe - he's incredibly aggressive, and I had just watched Suicide Squad a couple weeks before I got him, so... Y'know. He's about 4" at the moment, and lives in a 40 breeder alone. He'll be getting his own 120 whenever he outgrows this tank.

Almost last, but not nearly least, is my marine betta. I got him at the same time I got Nanaue, and he's currently hanging out in a 10 gallon QT tank before he goes to live in my FOWLR setup.

And, the last fish I'd like to share in this thread are probably my Long-Fin Mocha Clownfish. I've got a pair that I've had for roughly six months. They're actually currently living in a plastic bin (cycled and heated) due to a tank move, but they'll likely be going into a reef system fairly soon.

Thanks for the read! See ya around.
OML! Your fish are absolutely gorgeous! Never thought puffers could be kept in community tanks but I guess that one is chill 😂... Ive never heard of marine bettas! Also, welcome!
Absolutely adore the Pea Puffer!

im looking into buying one myself as soon as i upgrade my tank size

do you think it would be ok with my Mollies and a Dwarf Gourami?

also can i ask what you feed it?

Do you keep a reef or FOWLR?
In the past I've kept reefs and a macro tank or two, but lately I've been drifting towards FOWLRs. Mainly just because I'm living in an apartment where I can't hook an RODI unit up, and buying jugs of distilled was getting expensive, even on my pico tanks.

I read through a bit of your reef thread, and it looks awesome! I'm strongly considering picking up a Lifegard 4 gallon tank and setting it up with a clown goby and some softies on my desk. Yellow Clown Gobies are just so, so fun! I may go to a store today and look at tanks, lol!

OML! Your fish are absolutely gorgeous! Never thought puffers could be kept in community tanks but I guess that one is chill 😂... Ive never heard of marine bettas! Also, welcome!
Thank you so much! Most puffers are a little too aggressive to go with other fish, but Figure 8's are a little calmer than most! This one in particular is very gentle!

Absolutely adore the Pea Puffer!

im looking into buying one myself as soon as i upgrade my tank size

do you think it would be ok with my Mollies and a Dwarf Gourami?

also can i ask what you feed it?

Thank! Unfortunately, pea puffers are a little too aggressive to mix with most fish. They'd almost definitely nip at your other fish pretty badly - generally, you want to keep them solo, or in groups of other pea puffers. I can keep ottos with mine, but that's about it!

I feed him blood worms, frozen brine shrimp, frozen mysis shrimp, portions of dried mealworms, live brine shrimp, and occasionally beef heart/beef liver. I try to switch it up!
Absolutely adore the Pea Puffer!

im looking into buying one myself as soon as i upgrade my tank size

do you think it would be ok with my Mollies and a Dwarf Gourami?

also can i ask what you feed it?

Pea puffers are normally not good community fish as they will chase and nip, but ive had no experience with them and am only speaking from what I know...
This one in particular is very gentle!
How old is he? I love their personalities... Ive become friends with a giant puffer fish at our aquarium, everytime he sees me he comes right up to the glass! Its adorable, but its been a few years since ive been able to get out to that aquarium cause of the pandemic so Idk how he's doing 😞

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