New To Tff!


Mostly New Member
Dec 31, 2013
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Hi everyone @TFF
im simon and im frm a villiage in the east midlands
i currently own a Trigon 190 and its my first tank that iv took pretty serious,iv owned fish bowls and a aqua one in the past but only had a odd goldfish in them,currently in the Trigon is 5 goldfish,(different sorts altho not sure which as my wife bought them) 2 algae eaters,1 catfish (with a crocodile kinda pattern) amd 2 shrimps,it is stocked with bogwood,gravel (soon be swapping to sand) and a airstone.
Recently i added a golfish from my in-laws as it looked very lonely on his lonesome and since then iv had nothing but trouble!
All the goldfish was pooping white long stringy stuff which i read was a parasite so i treated that with medicine (not sure of make as im nt at home but will update later with it) and turned the heater up to 75F which i also read and it seemed to do the trick (for around a week) and now 1 gf is pooping long orange poop,
i have fed the fish on a variety of food,flakes and pellets but there not that keen on the pellets and the catfish doesnt eat frm the top as the pellets float so gone bk to the flakes (tetra) and now the water is a cloudy white,what is going on!! im still treating the fish with medicine so is that causin the orange poop as the medicine is a orangey brownish colour im following the instructions properly with a 10% wc daily,
iv had the tank a while now and all levels are fine and is well cycled,could the filteration be failing altho iv checked the pump and thats fine,im in the process of ordering all new filter media,should i change all of the pads in one go? or in stages?
any advice will be much apreciated
Welcome. Nice to have you here.
thanx chad,merry xmas and all the best for new year
You'll want sinking food for your catfish. If you can get a picture of it we should be able to ID it for you.
Someone should probably be able to ID the goldfish for you as well if you can get pictures of them.
You can upload your pictures to a photo-sharing website such as photobucket and then link them here.
I'm not sure what to do about the long stringy poo, sorry

to the forum btw, I hope you enjoy it here!
*Edit* Ooops, glad Gizaroo caught that. I did not notice you mentioning ordering new media. What she said is right, and you don't replace media unless it is falling apart. Even when it does this you want to replace a small amount at a time.
Per changing the filter media, if you get rid of it all at once you'll lose your beneficial bacteria. The filter media is mostly where they colonize, so if you toss it out, you've tossed out your good bacteria leading to having to recycle your tank all over again. 
Welcome aboard! 
Hi,thanx for replys,ill make a account with fotobucket and post link,were shud i post link? Ok so wont change all media at once,iv read sumwer catfish eat algae wafers? Arm its eating flake food,is that sufficient? Sorry bout the interrogation!
pimon said:
Hi,thanx for replys,ill make a account with fotobucket and post link,were shud i post link? Ok so wont change all media at once,iv read sumwer catfish eat algae wafers? Arm its eating flake food,is that sufficient? Sorry bout the interrogation!
It depends on which catfish. Plecos, depending on which one you have, appreciate algae wafers and other veggies. You're not interrogating :p Ask as many questions as you want!
Not sure where you should post the pics, could post them here or make a new thread with something like ID Help as the title, or I think you have another thread open and maybe you could put them there.

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