New To Killifish...need Lots Of Info


Fish Crazy
Apr 30, 2013
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hi, i believe my 55L tank is coming to the end of its cycle and i plan on having killifish but i dont know anything about them other than they are
-get about 5/6cm or 2" long 
but i dont have easy access to live food so will frozen bloodworm, frozen daphinia and flakes do?
how many would you suggest in 55L? 
id like to have at least 4(1M, 3F) but would i be able to have 6(2M, 4F)?
if i stick to 4 could i have a shoal of 6 dwarf corys?
any more info will be much appreciated :)
Lots of different types of killifish :)
I have 9 lampeyes in my 60 litre, and they are one of my favourite fish. They are fed on a variety of Hikari micro pellets, Hikari micro wafers, Hikari small wafers and Tetra tabimin baby. Also the occasional dose of bloodworms.
I have 15 (!!!) cories in with them, but I know this is overstocked - a result of unplanned breeding and a leak on another tank. However it's very over-filtered (rated for 300l), and they are very social, with the two groups usually mixing, so I'm leaving them all there for now. I would say 6 pygmy cories would be fine. I'd get at least 6 of the lampeyes - mine tend to shoal well and are rarely alone.
I had 2 gold panchax killifish, which lived for about a month before jumping out of the tiniest hole ever! My dog found both of them behind the tank (2 diff occasions)
The panchax will live for a few years (if they don't jump) whereas I think alot of the others are annual fish so they only live for one year, so if you want some of the gorgeous varieties for a length of time you might have to think about breeding, keeping the number you want and selling the rest.
I have 2 different types of killifish currently residing in a 10 gallon. And a local species of killifish in a 20 gallon long with some of my wild bettas. The 10 gallon houses a trio of F. Gardneri and a pair of Orange Austrayle.  I plan on separating the tank in half so each species has 5 gallons each so that they can breed if they want.  LOL  There are plenty of non-annual killifish out there to choose from that are gorgeous.
I feed mine a mixture of different things.  Decap BBS, frozen BBS, frozen brine shrimp, golden pearls, micro/banana/walter worms, grindal worms -- they eat whatever I throw in the tank with them.  LOL  Little piggies.  
What kind did you get?   
pretty sure they are blue steel ones(cant remeber latin names) 

found it... Fundulopanchax Nigerianus
Awesome!  F. Gardneri species are pretty easy to care for.  I have a trio although unlike you, I am not sure what the species of mine are other than F. Gardneri.  Once my male gets up big enough to photo good and see the specific color pattern he has, I will then be able to tell for sure.
yea mine are a bit colorless at the moment except the male which has dulish blue and red but with bright yellow on his fins, should brighten up soon i hope

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