Started tank last august and it is 90 gal with approx 150-175LBS of live rock/live sand. I waited all this time to add a mandarin to allow copods/ampipods to multiply and they did. 2 days after adding mandarin noticed him lying on the bottom inside cave and color was gray/white and slimy. almost looked dead. he is moving but i'm concerned!
How's the water parameters?
Sounds like fungus but can't be sure. What is the temp at?
Have you been treating for anything?
Any live plants?
Water parameters are great and have been throughout. I use ESV salt mix and it works well. I have an unlimited supply of demineralized water for changeouts. PH, Salinity, Nitrates , Nitrite, Calc , Ammonia all in line. Water temp is steady between 77.5 and 79, i have a chilles attached to refugium. the only live plants reside in the fuge. Every now and then I treat to raise alk/ph but not often.
Water parameters are great and have been throughout. I use ESV salt mix and it works well. I have an unlimited supply of demineralized water for changeouts. PH, Salinity, Nitrates , Nitrite, Calc , Ammonia all in line. Water temp is steady between 77.5 and 79, i have a chilles attached to refugium. the only live plants reside in the fuge. Every now and then I treat to raise alk/ph but not often.