New Member
Hi everyone,
I really need some advice/help.
Ok, here's how it all started. Been thinking for a long time "I'd like to have a fish tank" so the beggining of April I decided to get a tank. I bought a 55 gal tank start up kit. Came with filter, heater, lights and hood. I paid a fair amount for it and I stupidly thought that if I was spending that much money at the store theres no way they can steer me wrong. Well....... after some research (which I should have done BEFORE I got the tank
) I learned I have done EVERYTHING WRONG.
So after I bought the tank the guy at the store told me to cycle the tank for three days with this cycle stuff to get a bacteria growth started and then I'd be good to go. So I did it. Went back and started buying fish. He said to add 3 or 4 and wait a couple of days and then I could add 3 or 4 more. Well I now know this is all wrong.
He never mentioned anything about watching ammonia levels or anything like that. So over the last month I collected these fish:
3 Black Tetras
3 Lemon Tetras
1 Upside-down Catfish
1 Bumblebee Catfish
1 Some kind of Algae eater
1 Clown Loach (yes I know, after reading around the forum I already know whats going to be said about this. He told me he was fine in my tank and said nothing about the fact the need a group)
So after I found this place I went and got an ammonia test kit (nitrite and ph tests are on the way). The first test I done the ammonia was out of whack!!!! It was so high
. So over the last couple of days I have been doing massive water changes and have the ammonia under .25. Will continue to do daily testings and changes.
So now I need advice! What am I going to do? I mentioned to the guy about taking fish back, he won't but I'm so attached now I don't even know if I'd be able to, I would fear they would just be sold to someone else who blindly walked into it just like I did and die! Luckily, I have not lost any fish thus far. And I'm trying my hardest to keep it that way.
But do you guys think my tank is too small for the loach? Should I get more? He seems really happy. He is very active, not at all shy, and really seems to like hanging out with the black tetras. They feed together, swim back and forth the tank together. But not really knowing fish I could totally be reading him wrong.
So any advice on anything you see I'm doing wrong or should be doing would be so appreciated!!
I really need some advice/help.
Ok, here's how it all started. Been thinking for a long time "I'd like to have a fish tank" so the beggining of April I decided to get a tank. I bought a 55 gal tank start up kit. Came with filter, heater, lights and hood. I paid a fair amount for it and I stupidly thought that if I was spending that much money at the store theres no way they can steer me wrong. Well....... after some research (which I should have done BEFORE I got the tank

So after I bought the tank the guy at the store told me to cycle the tank for three days with this cycle stuff to get a bacteria growth started and then I'd be good to go. So I did it. Went back and started buying fish. He said to add 3 or 4 and wait a couple of days and then I could add 3 or 4 more. Well I now know this is all wrong.
He never mentioned anything about watching ammonia levels or anything like that. So over the last month I collected these fish:
3 Black Tetras
3 Lemon Tetras
1 Upside-down Catfish
1 Bumblebee Catfish
1 Some kind of Algae eater
1 Clown Loach (yes I know, after reading around the forum I already know whats going to be said about this. He told me he was fine in my tank and said nothing about the fact the need a group)
So after I found this place I went and got an ammonia test kit (nitrite and ph tests are on the way). The first test I done the ammonia was out of whack!!!! It was so high

So now I need advice! What am I going to do? I mentioned to the guy about taking fish back, he won't but I'm so attached now I don't even know if I'd be able to, I would fear they would just be sold to someone else who blindly walked into it just like I did and die! Luckily, I have not lost any fish thus far. And I'm trying my hardest to keep it that way.
But do you guys think my tank is too small for the loach? Should I get more? He seems really happy. He is very active, not at all shy, and really seems to like hanging out with the black tetras. They feed together, swim back and forth the tank together. But not really knowing fish I could totally be reading him wrong.
So any advice on anything you see I'm doing wrong or should be doing would be so appreciated!!