New To Fishies - Can I Put These 4 Types Together?


New Member
Sep 4, 2012
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Hi all,

I am new to fishies and to this forum so I hope I am posting in the right place. A couple of days ago I inherited a tank from someone, it is a small Splish Splash tank (based on my calculations it is about 20L or 5.2 gallons). When it was handed over to me, it had heaps of guppies in it - about 7 adults and at least 15 babies. I've already given some to an aquarium shop to avoid overcrowding and I am planning to take more of them in over the weekend. My idea is to just leave 3 male guppies and get a few other fish. So far I've bought 4 neon tetras and am waiting to see how they go for a week before buying anything else (as advised by the people at the aquarium).

The other fish I would like to get are the tiger barbs and celestial pearl danios. I am wondering whether adding these two to the guppy + neon tetra mix would be okay? Also, since my tank is quite small, would it be a bad idea to have 4 kinds of fish in there? I don't want them to be uncomfortable. I would really appreciate some advice on this.

Thank you!
I am new to this hobby as well, but based on responses of other members unfortunately a tank that size isn't really suitable for fish :crazy:

Other than a Betta (Siamese fighter fish)'re best going for shrimp/snail setup..which is still pretty cool.

I can't advise fully but hope this helps a little..

Hi petals,

Welcome to the forum!! You've done well to rescue those fish and donate some to the pet shop. If I read your message correctly, you current have 3 male guppies and 4 neon tetras in there? The general rule of thumb regarding fish of that size is to stock 1 inch of adult fish per gallon. Going by that rule, you already have about 10 to 12 inches of adult fish in there.

With a tank that size I would recommend you perhaps donate the guppies and just keep one shoal of 5 or 6 neon tetras in it. This assumes that the filtration is working well on it. But even that is pushing it.

That size tank would be good for one betta.

Would you be able to purchase some water test kits to check the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels? That will help tell you how the fish are doing.
I also have a 5 gallon, and im thinking of adding a few Endlers livebearers. Smaller than guppies, but just as pretty. A Betta and 3 endlers would work great.
Hi petals,

Welcome to the forum!! You've done well to rescue those fish and donate some to the pet shop. If I read your message correctly, you current have 3 male guppies and 4 neon tetras in there? The general rule of thumb regarding fish of that size is to stock 1 inch of adult fish per gallon. Going by that rule, you already have about 10 to 12 inches of adult fish in there.

With a tank that size I would recommend you perhaps donate the guppies and just keep one shoal of 5 or 6 neon tetras in it. This assumes that the filtration is working well on it. But even that is pushing it.

That size tank would be good for one betta.

Would you be able to purchase some water test kits to check the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels? That will help tell you how the fish are doing.

Thank you all for your replies.

At the moment I have more than 3 guppies since at first I wasn't sure how many it would be okay to keep so I only took a few to the pet shop. I was intending to take more this weekend and leave 3 but based on your advice, even that's too many!

I've just had a look at photos of endlers and they are beautiful. But if I was to get them + a betta, what would I do with my little neons?

At the moment I've only got a pH test kit but not a kit for the other stuff you've mentioned. I will enquire when I go back to the aquarium shop.
You could give the neons back. :good:

That's true, but I doubt they'd give me my $$ back. Also, they don't have endlers at that shop :(

Thank you for your suggestion though, I will have a chat with the people at the pet shop and see what my options are!
Please bear in mind that shops are notorious for giving bad advice. If they advised you to get the neons, that is bad advice as neons do need a bigger tank than 20 litres. They really need a minimum of about 50 litres. Take everything they say with a pinch of salt and do research before buying anything - this site is a good resource as we aren't trying to make money from you by selling you unsuitable fish.
You certainly don't want Tiger Barbs in there. These are quite large, very active, and need to be in good sized groups, (more than 6), otherwise their normal within group behaviour will be dropped aggresively onto the other tank occupants.

That tank is really quite small, you are going to push it adding anything, over what you have now.
Thank you all so much for the information and tips.

I've been keeping an eye on the neons and they seem to just stay down the bottom of the tank near the plant and not really move around much. I'm assuming it's because there are so many guppies in there at the moment, but after doing a bit more reading, it seems like they might also want a longer tank so they can swim more freely? The tank is only 10.25" (26cm) long. I feel bad to restrict them like this so I am going to take them back to the pet shop today.

As for the guppies, I've gotten a bit attached to them (they are very active and cute) so am thinking of keeping 2 or 3 for the moment. When their time comes I am going to probably go for the beta + 3 endlers option!
From your description of a splish and spalsh tank I am wondering if your in Australia (its a brand I have commonly seen here), if you are in Australia not many pet shops do carry Endlers but you can find them on a couple of Australian fish forums where people are selling them, that's how I ended up with my Endlers. I do love my Endlers and they can work well with a Siamese fighter.

In your tank another good option would be cherry shrimp, they are pretty, and hardy, at pet shops your generally looking at paying $4-$5 each but online on forums they are often available at 50c- $1 each. Cherry shrimp often will live well with fighters as well, it really depends on the temperment of the fighter.

Another good fish option for your tank if you did get out of having guppies are Killifish, beautiful colourful little fish that are suited to small areas.
From your description of a splish and spalsh tank I am wondering if your in Australia (its a brand I have commonly seen here), if you are in Australia not many pet shops do carry Endlers but you can find them on a couple of Australian fish forums where people are selling them, that's how I ended up with my Endlers. I do love my Endlers and they can work well with a Siamese fighter.

In your tank another good option would be cherry shrimp, they are pretty, and hardy, at pet shops your generally looking at paying $4-$5 each but online on forums they are often available at 50c- $1 each. Cherry shrimp often will live well with fighters as well, it really depends on the temperment of the fighter.

Another good fish option for your tank if you did get out of having guppies are Killifish, beautiful colourful little fish that are suited to small areas.

This forum is wonderful, everyone is so helpful!

Thank you Baccus. I am indeed in Australia. Just looked up a photo of Killifish, they really are gorgeous. At the moment I am considering all these options. I don't think I'm a shrimp person...they remind me of bugs (sorry shrimp lovers!) and I have a bit of a bug phobia :blush: I'll just keep researching for the moment. Feeling a bit guilty about giving away all the guppies since the lady who gave me the tank kept and loved them for a few years...but maybe the guilt will subside in time!
You can keep a few fish and get some invertabrates, like snails, shrimp or clams. Maybe even a dwarf frog. Just get a bigger tank, a ten gallon will give you double the space. You will be able to get a lot more.
You can keep a few fish and get some invertabrates, like snails, shrimp or clams. Maybe even a dwarf frog. Just get a bigger tank, a ten gallon will give you double the space. You will be able to get a lot more.

unfortunately dwarf aquatic frogs are not available in Australia

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