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May 22, 2017
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I'd like to know if I could keep 1 male betta and 1 african dwarf frog in a 3.5 gallon tank together or would that be too much?
I have kept a male betta and two adf's in a 25 litre (6.6 gal) tank and I would never do it again.

Feeding the frogs was very difficult because bettas are so greedy and can squeeze themselves into the tiniest spaces. I had to make a feeding cave for the frogs from a terracotta plant pot. I cut a couple of small holes in the rim then put the pot in the tank upside down. I placed a stone over the hole in the bottom of the pot (now on top) and lifted it briefly to drop the food through that hole. It took three attempts to make the holes in the rim small enough that the betta couldn't get through.

I finally moved the frogs into another tank on their own after I caught one of them clamped on to the betta's tail, and he was swimming round frantically trying to dislodge it. Frog's have poor eyesight it they probably mistook the betta's movement as food and lunged for him. The betta then got finrot in the damaged part of his tail, and it took ages for that to clear up.

After these experiences I would say either a betta or a frog, not both. Once the tank has been cycled, of course.
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