Hi all,
I've just joined the forum and thought I'd introduce myself and give you a run down of my fish keeping story so far.
I started fish keeping about three years ago when my three children wanted a pet. I didn't know a lot at the time and started off with a small maybe 15 litre tank and three goldfish. Needless to say the tank was way too small for that many fish and it didn't take more than a year for the first one to die.
I kept the other two goldfish in the small tank for maybe another year with no real problems, but as my daughter (whose goldfish had died) wanted another fish I started to read up a little about keeping them in a better environment.
I decided to get a separate tank for my daughter and just get her one goldfish for her room, unfortunately this one got caught in the filter and died after only a couple of weeks. About this time I realised that goldfish needed a fair bit more space than I was giving them so I upgraded the tank with the original two goldfish to a 45 litre tank that I'm still using.
I decided to change the filter in my daughters tank before getting her a platy and a danio to keep in her smaller tank. My poor daughter has the worst luck, and after maybe 2 months the danio jumped out of the tank and we found it on her bedroom floor. The tank even has a lid, but has a couple of gaps for wires and feeding.
And so things stayed for the next year or so, two goldfish doing pretty well in the 45 litre tank, and one platy in the 10 litre tank. That's not quite where it ends though.
One of the goldfish started to develop what I think were swimbladder problems and got a little lethargic, just sitting on the bottom all the time. I tried different diets, peas, pellets rather than flakes, an occasional bit of cucumber, some dried bloodworms, and mixed things up to vary the diet. The fish would pick up a bit now and again but not fantastically well, I even tried a swimbladder treatment that didn't seem to do anything. I then bought a water testing kit and I think the problem was water quality, and that I wasn't doing enough partial water changes. I started doing a 25% change every week rather than the 25% change every few weeks, and for a while the fish were all great again. Then I missed a week or two water change and the goldfish that had been unwell started to become lethargic again. I panicked a bit and did a 50% change, which must have altered too many factors and unfortunately the sickly goldfish died the next day.
The next disaster was back with my daughter when just last week her platy died.
I'm not entirely sure what happened to this one, so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction so I don't do it again. The story goes as follows. We were away for a week holiday, both tanks had been getting regular 25% changes, with a change the day before we left. I'd left one 5 day feed stick in the small tank, and 2 in the larger tank. We came back to the goldfish looking fine, but the platy being a little lethargic. The feed sticks were totally gone in the goldfish tank, but a little was left in the platy tank. I did a 25% change in both tanks and removed the leftover stick. The fish perked up and all was well with the world.
About a week later I was reading around various forums and unanimously I'd read that the platy should actually be kept at 24-28 degrees C, and I'd been keeping it at room temperature (around 21 degrees). I've got a heater that isn't used so I thought I'd warm the tank up a little. I'd read that this should be done slowly, so I took the tank up from 21 to 23 degrees and thought I'd leave it like that for a week before moving it up to just over 24. Before I got chance to move up to 24, maybe two days after introducing the heater, my daughter found her fourth dead fish (she wants a rabbit now).
So that's the story so far. I'd like to get another fish for my daughter (she isn't getting a rabbit) and another fish in the main tank for my son.
I'm thinking of getting my daughter three white mountain cloud minnows, but wouldn't mind some advice on if they are appropriate given it's only a 10 litre tank - she hasn't room for anything much bigger in her bedroom.
I've also been considering what I can get for my son as it would have to go in the main tank with the other goldfish. I've read that goldfish should pretty much just be kept with goldfish, but they can be kept with white mountain cloud minnows or zebra danios. I had a quick look at both in the local shop and they look too small to put in with the goldfish - I'm pretty sure they would be eaten. So I'm thinking another goldfish about the same size as the one I have. Again some help on that one please, is the 45 litre tank going to be enough for two goldfish?
Thank you to anyone who gets this far, and sorry for the long post. Also thanks to anyone who can offer some advice.
I've just joined the forum and thought I'd introduce myself and give you a run down of my fish keeping story so far.
I started fish keeping about three years ago when my three children wanted a pet. I didn't know a lot at the time and started off with a small maybe 15 litre tank and three goldfish. Needless to say the tank was way too small for that many fish and it didn't take more than a year for the first one to die.
I kept the other two goldfish in the small tank for maybe another year with no real problems, but as my daughter (whose goldfish had died) wanted another fish I started to read up a little about keeping them in a better environment.
I decided to get a separate tank for my daughter and just get her one goldfish for her room, unfortunately this one got caught in the filter and died after only a couple of weeks. About this time I realised that goldfish needed a fair bit more space than I was giving them so I upgraded the tank with the original two goldfish to a 45 litre tank that I'm still using.
I decided to change the filter in my daughters tank before getting her a platy and a danio to keep in her smaller tank. My poor daughter has the worst luck, and after maybe 2 months the danio jumped out of the tank and we found it on her bedroom floor. The tank even has a lid, but has a couple of gaps for wires and feeding.
And so things stayed for the next year or so, two goldfish doing pretty well in the 45 litre tank, and one platy in the 10 litre tank. That's not quite where it ends though.
One of the goldfish started to develop what I think were swimbladder problems and got a little lethargic, just sitting on the bottom all the time. I tried different diets, peas, pellets rather than flakes, an occasional bit of cucumber, some dried bloodworms, and mixed things up to vary the diet. The fish would pick up a bit now and again but not fantastically well, I even tried a swimbladder treatment that didn't seem to do anything. I then bought a water testing kit and I think the problem was water quality, and that I wasn't doing enough partial water changes. I started doing a 25% change every week rather than the 25% change every few weeks, and for a while the fish were all great again. Then I missed a week or two water change and the goldfish that had been unwell started to become lethargic again. I panicked a bit and did a 50% change, which must have altered too many factors and unfortunately the sickly goldfish died the next day.
The next disaster was back with my daughter when just last week her platy died.
I'm not entirely sure what happened to this one, so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction so I don't do it again. The story goes as follows. We were away for a week holiday, both tanks had been getting regular 25% changes, with a change the day before we left. I'd left one 5 day feed stick in the small tank, and 2 in the larger tank. We came back to the goldfish looking fine, but the platy being a little lethargic. The feed sticks were totally gone in the goldfish tank, but a little was left in the platy tank. I did a 25% change in both tanks and removed the leftover stick. The fish perked up and all was well with the world.
About a week later I was reading around various forums and unanimously I'd read that the platy should actually be kept at 24-28 degrees C, and I'd been keeping it at room temperature (around 21 degrees). I've got a heater that isn't used so I thought I'd warm the tank up a little. I'd read that this should be done slowly, so I took the tank up from 21 to 23 degrees and thought I'd leave it like that for a week before moving it up to just over 24. Before I got chance to move up to 24, maybe two days after introducing the heater, my daughter found her fourth dead fish (she wants a rabbit now).
So that's the story so far. I'd like to get another fish for my daughter (she isn't getting a rabbit) and another fish in the main tank for my son.
I'm thinking of getting my daughter three white mountain cloud minnows, but wouldn't mind some advice on if they are appropriate given it's only a 10 litre tank - she hasn't room for anything much bigger in her bedroom.
I've also been considering what I can get for my son as it would have to go in the main tank with the other goldfish. I've read that goldfish should pretty much just be kept with goldfish, but they can be kept with white mountain cloud minnows or zebra danios. I had a quick look at both in the local shop and they look too small to put in with the goldfish - I'm pretty sure they would be eaten. So I'm thinking another goldfish about the same size as the one I have. Again some help on that one please, is the 45 litre tank going to be enough for two goldfish?
Thank you to anyone who gets this far, and sorry for the long post. Also thanks to anyone who can offer some advice.