New To Angelfish


New Member
Jan 2, 2016
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Hi Everybody.  Not sure if this is the right category to post in but I think it is.  
I am not new to fish, but am new to Angelfish.  I have, what I believe is a, 48 gallon tank (22” wide, 18” deep + 28” tall).  First off, this has to be the worst shaped tank every made, it is so hard to reach the bottom to clean, and to add décor in. 
It currently has your basic aquarium river rock substrate, a mix of silk plants and driftwood. 
I would like to add some tank mates, but am unsure what to add.  I’ve read a lot about potential tank mates.  The issue is that it’s the internet and one site says yes to a certain fish, and the next site says no.  I am wondering what personal experience you’ve all had.
Currently housed in the tank is one (approx. 1 yr old) Koi Marble Angelfish who is now roughly 5” body and one 4” rubbernose pleco. My pleco is very docile and stays on the driftwood, my angelfish is pretty easy going.  Her tank mate died about 7 1/2 months ago and has been the only fish since.  They were in a 20 gallon together as babies, but outgrew it, so I upgraded to the 48 gallon, unfortunately the other Angelfish didn’t survive the move for some reason.
The tank itself has been set up for roughly 8 months and doing well.
So any experience or suggestions for Angelfish tank mates would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. J
*Sidenote* I also have a 75 gallon tank with 5 healthy sized goldfish.
A little history of my fish experience.  I’ve always had a 10 gallon tank growing up as a kid.  My parents did the normal “you want a pet, here have a fish” thing.  Of course, they didn’t get proper care due to my lack of knowledge at such a young age and my parents aren’t fish people, but did their best. I can’t tell you the number of fish I have killed unintentionally as a kid.  I still feel bad.  As I got a little older, I started to learn the Do’s and Don’ts of fish care.  I’ve also had a number of 5 gallon Betta tanks over the years. I do enjoy Bettas but wanted something a little more community friendly.  So I got my Goldfish and they have been my pride and joy tank.  They’ve done amazingly with all the moves they have been through with me. All of them are also very interactive with their surroundings.  They tease the heck out of my cats, follow me around the room, and will try to interact when I clean the tank… Okay, okay, okay it’s probably all because they are hungry, but I like to think they love me. LOL.
Thank you for reading my post and letting me introduce myself.
It seems like for every one opinion you find on the Internet, you can also find the opposite opinion!
I have had from one to three angels together in my 48 gallon over the years. Right now I have two. I like to get them when they are small and let them grow. They usually live for about five years. They are one fish that I would like to always have in my tank.
I have never really had a problem with any fish bothering the angels. The angels, however, have helped themselves to my neons after they reached a certain size. I guess the important thing would be to not get any notorious "fin nippers," like tiger barbs or serpae tetras, or anything like neons that would be too small.
I have had pearl gouramis, congo tetras, black phantom tetras, swordtails, platys, rainbow fish and many others that were perfect tank mates. I personally like pearl gouramis with angels because I think they both look elegant. Then maybe a school of medium-sized fish and some scavengers. 
Good luck and post what you decide on!
have I read those dimensions right? The tank is only 22 inches wide? If that's correct this tank is in no way big enough for angels. They will need at least 4 feet wide. You may get away with 3ft wide for a solitary angel. I can not suggest any tank mates at all for a tank so small. The angel is already living in cramped conditions and adding anything will only add to this

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