New Tank


New Member
Apr 5, 2013
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Hullo, I just got a new 17 gal. Tank and I'm thinking of putting 1 African Rope Fish, and 1 Ghost Knife Fish. Would that be ok ? like fish compatibility wise ? and regarding the growth, don't fishes have that ability to stop growing when they feel they're in a small tank ? I kinda need suggestions on weird, cool, looking fishes like those in the Bichir family . I'm not so much a Tetras, Danios type. Loaches probably... Cichlids on the other hand are my last option.   


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First, I have to say that you need to consider other fish. Both of the fish you have suggested will quickly outgrow your tank. Eventually, yes, they will "stop" growing, but it will only cause their bodies considerable harm. You may end up with deformed fish, or, at the very least, fish who live only a quarter of their potential life span.

Having said that, a seventeen gallon does give you some room to play with. If you are the sort who wants and edgier fish, perhaps you could go with a small group of hatchet fish. They look really interesting. However, I'm not sure what their exact tank requirements are. They may be a 20-gallon fish. You could consider a pair of wild type betta, a group of Cory cats (small group, maybe three or four for this size tank).
According to aqadvisor, a dwarf gourami would work, or pencil fish, or even a small puffer.

What sort of filtration are you running? Is your tank cycled? What do you look for in a fish? Color? Size? Something else? All these things will help anyone else give you a list of fish to consider.
Attibones is spot on. I think hatchets do need a 20 gallon though.
Thanks for the reply guys. And Crazy, I'm working with just a power head filter cause it came with the set up . No it's not cycled still haven't gotten to that yet, BettaS ? wont they like fight ? Gouramis nuh uh, puffers sound interesting though.  and Sorry to the Hatchet Fish Lovers, I find the corny. The Fishes I'm looking for are like weird... ray-like snake-like/ eel-like and look like something else. An example of these are the fishes i initial wanted.   Addict, what are Attibones?   
Attibones: as in my username. Fish crazy and fish addict are just indicative of our posting status.

If you got a male and a female non splendens betta, they may do very well together. It all depends on the species. If you were to have a betta splendens tank, only one male would be advisable, or maybe a small sorority.

Most of the fish you are attracted to are for much larger tanks. The knife fish you like needs at least seventy-five gallons, so obviously that wouldn't work. Seventeen is more suited to smaller more common species. Try the figure eight puffer, perhaps. It might be "exotic" enough to suit your tastes. Mostly mollies, tetras, rasboras, etc work well in your size tank. Maybe you could have a few golden otos. Those are a smaller species of oto.

Maybe you could do an albino tank? That may be interesting. Or you could do a group of dwarf frogs.
Alright noted thanks . What about Kuhli or suckerbelly Loaches ? I'm kinda considering Corys now with 2 ramirez cichlid.... that ok ?  Man I feel so limited... I used to have a 150 gal tank.
Rams need larger tanks too. As do loaches. They can get really big.

I'm sure you do feel limited. You're working with a little over ten percent of what you used to have. That's a big difference. Why did you downsize, if I may ask?
Well we moved placed so I had to down size and I wanted tank in my room. but the time since I had my 150 gal tank was about 6 years... I had a spotted Gar, 2 Senegal Bichirs , 1 Ornoto Bichir, and a Banded Bichir. It was crazy looking crowd. I had to place them in a pond after an accident where my Orno Bitchir died. that was the start of my long rest from the hobby     
I thnk you really should either get a bigger tank or settle for the smaller tetra type fish.
I know. Decisions decision.....

Anyway thanks for the help guys

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