New Tank, Suggestions Welcome


New Member
Jan 28, 2013
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Hey everyone,
Just got my hands on a 155L tank (stepping up from my current 55L). So my plans just now are to keep my 5/6 tetras in the 55L and re-home my 2, 1 week old Bala sharks (I know what you're thinking).
I fell for the mistake of impulse buying them without really taking into account how big they get. My 155L is extremely long in fairness.. but ofcourse there will come a time where they become a little uncomfortable (from what I read well over 1+ years down the line). Im actually annoyed I was sold them now, ofcourse they are comfortable for the foreseeable future but very irresponsible on both myself and pets at home to purchase them but hey its done now and I love them!
I've picked out and priced a heater, lighting, filter and the odd other thing. Really looking forward to taking on the task from a kind of DIY tank. Basically just looking for some advise on what fish would be suitable to live along side the bala's, without overstocking and what kind of environment would best suit them. Does anyone here currently have/had any?
General advise and tank suggestions would be appreciated :) still new to this game!
Hi sorry a little confused by your post do you mean you have bought a long 155 liter tank and are planning to make a big tank for the Bala Sharks?
If so you are looking for a truly colossal tank for the Balas - to make a proper go of keeping them you will need something like 8 foot long and at least 3 foot wide as a minimum. Otherwise its not really worth it in the long run. 
Unfortunately Bala Sharks are one of the fish in the hobby that are actually bred for food to be intensively farmed but they end up being very cheap as youngsters to tropical fish importers and they just snap them up in their thousands because like most baby animals they are cute :/
What are the dimensions of the 155?
Pets at Home sold you Bala Sharks to a 55L? :S
Unfortunately yes Sophie, as I said I was annoyed but I am as much to blame as anyone of course. Going to have a serious think about whats best to do here, again any tank mates, plant, feeding or any other suggestions are very welcome!
Best thing to do is get a massive tank and rescue all the balas in the world. Not practical but its a great idea!

I didn't know people ate balas. I wonder what they taste like...?
TallTree01 said:
Best thing to do is get a massive tank and rescue all the balas in the world. Not practical but its a great idea!

I didn't know people ate balas. I wonder what they taste like...?
*holds belly and chortles*
FishGO said:
Unfortunately yes Sophie, as I said I was annoyed but I am as much to blame as anyone of course. Going to have a serious think about whats best to do here, again any tank mates, plant, feeding or any other suggestions are very welcome!
I would try my upmost to find another home for the Bala sharks. In fact, I would be tempted to go back to PAH and speak with the manager... inform them someone at their store advised AND sold this type of fish to a keeper of your sized tank !
*PAH rant over*
That aside, I think the world could be your oyster with regards to your new, bigger tank. Personally, I like large number of peaceful, community fish (most Tetra, Five Banded/Cherry Barbs being particular favourites of mine).
You could keep Gourami with some Corys, or a heavy lansdscaped tank with many, many small 'micro' fish.
You MAY even get away with a dozen or so Tiger/Green Barbs, but being very careful with what you put them in with.
The choices are endless, I guess. But for these you need to move the Bala sharks on.
Sophie1992 said:
Pets at Home sold you Bala Sharks to a 55L? :S
Haha that's a joke...I went to my petco to get chinchilla food and I glanced over at the fish selection just for the heck of it...I thought my lfs was bad with clown loaches, they had a tank with tire track eels, they also had a strange shark that strangely resembled an iridescent shark....
Sophie1992 said:
Best thing to do is get a massive tank and rescue all the balas in the world. Not practical but its a great idea!

I didn't know people ate balas. I wonder what they taste like...?
*holds belly and chortles*
Your wit is endless.  ;)
I think fish that grow to over a certain size (reaching beyond the average keen hobbyists 4/5' tank) should only be sold by licensed places to deal with the size of these fish as a speciality. Its like finding Asian Water Monitor lizards in your local exotics, selling for £29.
dgwebster said:
I think fish that grow to over a certain size (reaching beyond the average keen hobbyists 4/5' tank) should only be sold by licensed places to deal with the size of these fish as a speciality. Its like finding Asian Water Monitor lizards in your local exotics, selling for £29.
If only..
If I were running the country, I'd just travel up and down it all year long going "thats wrong, do it likd this" insisting that the first exam a school child should sit is the "common sense exam" and slaughter all those who fail as an offering to me.

Ignore me telling you that last bit.

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