New Tank Stocking Options


WHAT! You went over my Helmet!
Aug 9, 2004
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Hi folks, i used to be on here quite a bit and had a fair few tanks over the years but took a break from fish keeping.

However i am now the proud owner again of a 180 vision and need some stocking ideas. It came fully cycled with three olaties (don't like them) and i bought 10 green neons for now but what else? Was considering another 5 - 10 neons and some panda corys.

Just normal internal juwel filter at the moment but will be getting an external one soon. Attached a pic. Will be wanting to plant it up as well nicely its a bit sparse at the moment

Cheers chish


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Panda Corys are a top choice.

There are plenty of tetras to choose from other than neons.  Have you considered Ember tetras?  
Before suggesting any fish it's always good to know what your water type is. Is it soft or hard? What is the Ph? 
You mention that you are planning an external filter. Does this mean you are planning on removing the Juwel internal? It's a just a personal opinion but I would never remove a Juwel internal filter. When it comes to good filtration the Juwel internal is the boss. 
Far_King said:
Panda Corys are a top choice.
There are plenty of tetras to choose from other than neons.  Have you considered Ember tetras?  
Hi Far_king, Embers are nice and so are rummy nose tetras, that would be a good idea though to get a second group of a different tetra.

Akasha72 said:
Before suggesting any fish it's always good to know what your water type is. Is it soft or hard? What is the Ph? 
You mention that you are planning an external filter. Does this mean you are planning on removing the Juwel internal? It's a just a personal opinion but I would never remove a Juwel internal filter. When it comes to good filtration the Juwel internal is the boss. 
Hi Akasha72
I live up in inverness so the water up here is pretty soft not sure what the ph is I'll need to check tonight. The tank is second hand so the juwel filter looks like it has already been removed at some point for whatever reason as the filter is loose, my experience in the past with both types of filter is that external filters are generally better, easier and cleaner when doing water changes etc.
P.s. The wee stingray filter is only in there so I can keep the biological filter going. I have a wee 20litre tank which I am selling.
Good luck on the stocking! I'm sure the tank will be lovely :)
Hi again. With soft water you have sooo many options - far more than you have with hard water. And with a tank of the size of the vision you also have many options.
The panda cories will be fine with the soft water, as will the tetra's. Then there's the plethora of central and South American cichlids - although with neons I'd be wary of the larger types such as angels as the neons may become food. If you get the neons in first and then add angels as young babies you might get away with but there's no guarentee.
I'd be tempted to add another type of cory to go with the panda's ... if you go with the smaller types you could even have 3 or 4 different species groups (I'm sure you know by now that cories need to be kept in their own species group of 5 or 6)
I'd definitely add more tetra's - the larger the group the better. There's nothing better than watching a large shoal of colourful tetra's. 
It all depends on what you like :)
Rummy nose would be another fine choice!  One of the most stunning tetras available IMHO.
Hey akasha
Yeah really like the idea of different shoals of tetras and corrys. With good filtration what numbers would I be looking at?
I have 10 green neons just now, would I be able to get another 10 of two types of tetra? So another 20 tetras, as well as say 10 -12 corries of different types?
well to me a good shoal is 9 or 10 plus so you've covered it with the green neons but if you want to add other types you could add other shoaling species - such as harlequins. I have some lovely harley's, mine are dark blue/purple with a gold head. They're a hybrid but they are a nice looking fish. I have 9 and they stick together shoaling back and forth.
As to the cories, there are just too many different species of cory. I currently have panda's, melini's, smudge spots, bronze and peppered in my 240 litre. The melini is similar sized to the panda, as is the smudge spot. The peppered lot are my biggest and I'm allowing those to die off to allow space for more smaller types. Same with my bronzes. The best place to research cories is planet catfish. Have a look and see which one's you like. 
I've always subscribed to the theory that a large shoal of one species looks better, and behaves more naturally, than smaller shoals of 2 species, so since you've already got green neons, I personally would get more of those. But that's just me.
Your issue is with the platies, these being hardwater fish, they need the dissolved minerals that your softwater doesn't have. If you can rehome them, so much the better, they won't thrive in softwater.
ahhh platies! I was trying to figure out what olaties were now I just realise it was a typing error! (DOH)
Yes, lock man is right. Platies need harder water to be at their best :)
Lol yeah olaties... Its a new type fish from Ireland :)

So i could comfortably house a shoal of 20 small fish and a good group of corys?

Would that be at capacity? Or could i fit more smaller fish? Sorry bit out of touch with stocking etc...
capacity posts are not my thing. I struggle as I've stocked my tank by eye. I know by looking at it that I can't really add any more fish! I'll let someone else advise you there :)
If it were me I'd be looking for a centrepiece fish but we are all different :)
You could get a small group of pygmy gouramis. Cute, peaceful..... and cute.

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