New Tank, New At Salt Water Fish.


New Member
Jan 30, 2013
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So, I have recently acquired a 58 gallon tank 100% free. It's in great condition and I have always wanted a Salt Water fish tank. However, I know these can get pricey and I want to budget out and make a goal of what I need to save for. If anyone has a sort of "list" of things I will be needing to buy (excluding the fish, I can figure that out. I'm talking, pumps, water, rocks, etc.) and how much I should expect to pay for each. If it's too much I might give up and get a puppy, so give me some good deals.
What equipment do you have with the tank? That will decide how much more you'll have to spend. It also depends on what you expect to do with the tank. Fish only, fish with live rock, reef tank?
Are you willing to drill the tank to make a sump would be my question?
You need to head over to the salty forum...this one is for freshies. You'll get better advice there.
Don't need to drill for a sump. There are great hang on the back overflows available.
Well I have a stand for my tank. That's it. Ha! So I have to get just about everything else. I was reading into the different types and I was thinking either a tank with live rock or a Fish only tank. Also, I have heard many people say that freshwater tank's are much easier, since I am a beginner should I do a freshwater tank? I'd be super bummed if I had to because I think salt water fish are beautiful and unique but I don't really know much about it. (We are reptile people mostly, not fish)
Freshwater is easier, in my opinion.  Honestly, there are some very beautiful freshwater fish as well.   But, its your tank, and its your work.  So, you need to be the one to make the decision about whether or not you go with salt or not.  Salt will require an RO unit, and you need to build the water up from scratch.  With freshwater, its easier to just go with fish that prefer your tap water conditions.
If you really want to go with saltwater, this forum is not the place to be... (This is for New FRESHwater Tanks... Scroll down the page on the homescreen for TFF and you'll find the saltwater section... ;)
Moved, as has been commented. Hopefully it'll attract the attention of the salties in here.

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