New Tank Help!?


New Member
Aug 20, 2012
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uk - essex
I am about to purchase a 250 litre tank, the main thing i would like in there is a rainbow shark but im not sure what else makes for good tankmates with this individual?

I have read that the rainbow shark is a tamer version of the red tailed black shark, and something i know about them is that they dont mind clown loaches, although 250 litres isnt big enough for clown loaches i was thinking maybe some yoyo loaches as they are smaller, any thaughts on this would be apreciated.

other than that maybe some danio??

I am about to purchase a 250 litre tank, the main thing i would like in there is a rainbow shark but im not sure what else makes for good tankmates with this individual?

I have read that the rainbow shark is a tamer version of the red tailed black shark, and something i know about them is that they dont mind clown loaches, although 250 litres isnt big enough for clown loaches i was thinking maybe some yoyo loaches as they are smaller, any thaughts on this would be apreciated.

other than that maybe some danio??


Rainbow sharks are tricky. You will need a good amount of plants, but at the same time you will need lots of swimming space for them. They will also need rocky crevices or caves (a cichlid stone, cave, or something like a sunken ship decoration would be ideal) for them to hide in. A sand substrate would also be ideal. As for tankmates, anything smaller than it and more passive will be eaten and/or terrorized.

Rainbowfish make good dither fish.

Since it's a big tank, I recommend:

1x Rainbow Shark
16x Bosemani Rainbowfish
12x Red Irian Rainbowfish
20x Zebra or Leopard Danios

I'd avoid the Yo-Yo Loaches for now, as the Shark might become aggressive and go after them. Maybe another member can help in that department.
Red Tails are the less aggressive one. I had a rainbow shark that showed around a 3" convict. Red tailed is reccomended if you ask me.
They pretty much look about the same, excpet, like CFC said, they're less aggressive.

A red tailed shark would do better. :good:
And it might even work with yo-yos. If not, what about armored catfish?
Thanks for the response, im glad to hear that the red tailed shark is the less agressive one after all because i actually looked at this first but must have got some dud information somewhere along the line saying it was more agresive! I actually prefer the the colourings of the RTS aswell :D

Im also glad to hear that danios will be ok as i love them, think they are really lively fun fish. Also cheers for advise on plants, rocks,caves etc. what sand substrate would you recomend i have pond filter sand in my current tank which is a bit plain but does the job great.

Thanks for the response, im glad to hear that the red tailed shark is the less agressive one after all because i actually looked at this first but must have got some dud information somewhere along the line saying it was more agresive! I actually prefer the the colourings of the RTS aswell :D

Im also glad to hear that danios will be ok as i love them, think they are really lively fun fish. Also cheers for advise on plants, rocks,caves etc. what sand substrate would you recomend i have pond filter sand in my current tank which is a bit plain but does the job great.


Depends on taste. If its a natural look, go with some washed, plain old Playsand. If you want something different, go with black sand. It looks cool, and also brings out the color in fish. :good:
Get CaribSea Tahitian Moon Sand. It's the best :good:
If not, any other black sand for aquariums is good too

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