New Tank! And Slow Betta


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2013
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Friday i'm going to the pet department in a local store with the intention to buy a new tank for my betta.
The tank i'm getting it's gonna be exctly the same as he is in now but bigger. Same shape and color, just bigger. It's a 2,25 gallon tank and it is the biggest i can afford at the moment.
It is not very expensive but i'm short on money this days and i have exprience with the type of tank and the cleaning process and everything. I've kept fish in this kind of tank for a long time and it's been a great tank, just not big enough.
I think he deserves a bigger tank than he has because this one is very small and he is getting bigger and the new decorations take space so he has just little space to swim.
So the new tank is gonna be big enough for him and everything but i'm needing some tips in how to settle him in.
Everytime i move my fish to a new tank they get too stressed and end up dying and i dont want my first betta to die.
The tank he is in right now has a little cave, a small marimo moss ball, one of those leafs for him to rest on and plastic plants that dont hurt his fins. It suits the tank and it's size but i think the new one is gonna be very empty with only this decorations.
I have stress coat and water conditioner, everything ready to move the little guy.
Can i have some tips to move my betta to a new tank?
Also he has been very still and slow, his fins are sometimes closed. Should i worry about that?
Well have you cycled the new tanks? it may not be stressed, maybe just dying of the ammonia and nitrate levels being too high.
Hi Argoma, if he's clamping his fins it is definitely a sign that there is something not right. How long have you had your Betta? Have you measured for Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate?
Regarding moving him to his new tank: you best move the filter or the media of the filter over to the new tank with the Betta once you are ready to move him into it. You should use most of the tank water of his current tank and just top it up with fresh, dechlorinated water, so it will feel to him like a water change. It will be easier to him than moving into a tank with only fresh water. Make sure the temperature is similar to what his current tank is at, before transferring him over. If he seems stressed out, I would leave the lights off for the first day, it will keep him calmer.
Meeresstille said:
Hi Argoma, if he's clamping his fins it is definitely a sign that there is something not right. How long have you had your Betta? Have you measured for Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate?
Regarding moving him to his new tank: you best move the filter or the media of the filter over to the new tank with the Betta once you are ready to move him into it. You should use most of the tank water of his current tank and just top it up with fresh, dechlorinated water, so it will feel to him like a water change. It will be easier to him than moving into a tank with only fresh water. Make sure the temperature is similar to what his current tank is at, before transferring him over. If he seems stressed out, I would leave the lights off for the first day, it will keep him calmer.
I have him for about two weeks. He has been fine so far but these two or three days he is very still and sometimes his fins are clamped. Sometimes he is very active and moving all around also, he blowed a bubble nest yesterday. And no, i havent measured for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. I have to buy a kit soon.
If your tank is a new set up you need to do daily water changes to keep the toxins at low levels. Have you done any water changes at all since you got the Betta? I would recommend to do an immediate water change of about 90 - 100% since you don't know what your level of Ammonia or Nitrite is! Those are the toxins from the fish's waste. Once your tank/filter is cycled the bacteria will convert those two into the less toxic form Nitrate, then you only need to do a water change once a week.
Right now though your fish is suffering from the toxins in the water. You can equal it to sitting in a smoke filled room in a burning building. It makes it very painful to breathe!!!
If you can get a test kit (not the dip stick test strips, they are too unreliable) tomorrow please do so. Test the water daily and keep the toxins as close to 0 as you can by doing water changes! You may need to do those water changes twice a day since he is in such a small tank!!!!
Meeresstille said:
If your tank is a new set up you need to do daily water changes to keep the toxins at low levels. Have you done any water changes at all since you got the Betta? I would recommend to do an immediate water change of about 90 - 100% since you don't know what your level of Ammonia or Nitrite is! Those are the toxins from the fish's waste. Once your tank/filter is cycled the bacteria will convert those two into the less toxic form Nitrate, then you only need to do a water change once a week.
Right now though your fish is suffering from the toxins in the water. You can equal it to sitting in a smoke filled room in a burning building. It makes it very painful to breathe!!!
If you can get a test kit (not the dip stick test strips, they are too unreliable) tomorrow please do so. Test the water daily and keep the toxins as close to 0 as you can by doing water changes! You may need to do those water changes twice a day since he is in such a small tank!!!!
I have done many water changes since i got him. I do a 25%-50% water change daily. I am planning on changing the water tomorrow so that i can use that water for the new tank and fill it in with fresh clean water just to get him used to the new home.
Hi Argoma,
In a small uncycled tank 25 - 50% water changes daily are not enough. Since he is showing you signs that he is not well you may want to increase those water changes to a 100%! If you had a test kit and we knew the readings we could advice better on how much is needed, but as it is, we only have the Betta telling us when he is not feeling well.
Since your tank is not cycled you don't need to worry about using old tank water to fill into the new tank. That water would be full of toxins and you don't want that for your Betta. Using only fresh water will be like a 100 % water change for him, ensure you have fresh water for him all the time until the switch and at the same temperature and he will acclimatize just fine.
Here is the beginner's resource centre, there you will find tons of information about many questions you have and probably some you haven't even thought of yet:
Here is a very interesting thread about Betta Splendens specifically:
Will you keep us updated how the switch to the bigger tank went? I hope all will go well for you and your Betta, good luck! :)
Meeresstille said:
Here is a very interesting thread about Betta Splendens specifically:
Will you keep us updated how the switch to the bigger tank went? I hope all will go well for you and your Betta, good luck!
Yes, please keep us posted.....what size tank do you have him in now? If I read your post correctly you are getting a 2.5 gal for him now, right? So the tank he is in must be smaller than Meeresstille said in the last post do 100% water changes esp. in a small tank with no filter.....
Meeresstille said:
Hi Argoma,
In a small uncycled tank 25 - 50% water changes daily are not enough. Since he is showing you signs that he is not well you may want to increase those water changes to a 100%! If you had a test kit and we knew the readings we could advice better on how much is needed, but as it is, we only have the Betta telling us when he is not feeling well.
Since your tank is not cycled you don't need to worry about using old tank water to fill into the new tank. That water would be full of toxins and you don't want that for your Betta. Using only fresh water will be like a 100 % water change for him, ensure you have fresh water for him all the time until the switch and at the same temperature and he will acclimatize just fine.
Here is the beginner's resource centre, there you will find tons of information about many questions you have and probably some you haven't even thought of yet:
Here is a very interesting thread about Betta Splendens specifically:
Will you keep us updated how the switch to the bigger tank went? I hope all will go well for you and your Betta, good luck!
I dont have a test kit yet but today he is better. I just changed his water and he is much happier now, he moves more and the fins arent all together and closed. His fins flow with the water when he moves just perfect. I will have the tank tomorrow, i'm arranging to get a 3.3 gallon tank, it isnt much more expensive but i dont know yet because i also have to buy more gravel and it has to fit all in my budget. I will write here tomorrow to tell you how it went , come take a look then.
BettaBarbara said:
Here is a very interesting thread about Betta Splendens specifically:
Will you keep us updated how the switch to the bigger tank went? I hope all will go well for you and your Betta, good luck!
Yes, please keep us posted.....what size tank do you have him in now? If I read your post correctly you are getting a 2.5 gal for him now, right? So the tank he is in must be smaller than Meeresstille said in the last post do 100% water changes esp. in a small tank with no filter.....
It is a 0.5 gallon tank. It is small, i know but since i got him i have always planned on getting a bigger tank, just now have the actual money to get a tank that suits his needs. But this 0.5 gallon is actully better than the tiny bowl he was in at the pet store. I will keep you posted!
argoma said:



Here is a very interesting thread about Betta Splendens specifically:
Will you keep us updated how the switch to the bigger tank went? I hope all will go well for you and your Betta, good luck!
Yes, please keep us posted.....what size tank do you have him in now? If I read your post correctly you are getting a 2.5 gal for him now, right? So the tank he is in must be smaller than Meeresstille said in the last post do 100% water changes esp. in a small tank with no filter.....
It is a 0.5 gallon tank. It is small, i know but since i got him i have always planned on getting a bigger tank, just now have the actual money to get a tank that suits his needs. But this 0.5 gallon is actully better than the tiny bowl he was in at the pet store. I will keep you posted!
Very true!
argoma said:
Hi Argoma,
In a small uncycled tank 25 - 50% water changes daily are not enough. Since he is showing you signs that he is not well you may want to increase those water changes to a 100%! If you had a test kit and we knew the readings we could advice better on how much is needed, but as it is, we only have the Betta telling us when he is not feeling well.
Since your tank is not cycled you don't need to worry about using old tank water to fill into the new tank. That water would be full of toxins and you don't want that for your Betta. Using only fresh water will be like a 100 % water change for him, ensure you have fresh water for him all the time until the switch and at the same temperature and he will acclimatize just fine.
Here is the beginner's resource centre, there you will find tons of information about many questions you have and probably some you haven't even thought of yet:
Here is a very interesting thread about Betta Splendens specifically:
Will you keep us updated how the switch to the bigger tank went? I hope all will go well for you and your Betta, good luck!
I dont have a test kit yet but today he is better. I just changed his water and he is much happier now, he moves more and the fins arent all together and closed. His fins flow with the water when he moves just perfect. I will have the tank tomorrow, i'm arranging to get a 3.3 gallon tank, it isnt much more expensive but i dont know yet because i also have to buy more gravel and it has to fit all in my budget. I will write here tomorrow to tell you how it went , come take a look then.
BettaBarbara said:

Here is a very interesting thread about Betta Splendens specifically:
Will you keep us updated how the switch to the bigger tank went? I hope all will go well for you and your Betta, good luck!
Yes, please keep us posted.....what size tank do you have him in now? If I read your post correctly you are getting a 2.5 gal for him now, right? So the tank he is in must be smaller than Meeresstille said in the last post do 100% water changes esp. in a small tank with no filter.....
It is a 0.5 gallon tank. It is small, i know but since i got him i have always planned on getting a bigger tank, just now have the actual money to get a tank that suits his needs. But this 0.5 gallon is actully better than the tiny bowl he was in at the pet store. I will keep you posted!

Ok the 0.5 is bigger but not better. Dont think just because the tank is a little better than your doing it a favor, its too small regardless.
ncguppy830 said:

Hi Argoma,
In a small uncycled tank 25 - 50% water changes daily are not enough. Since he is showing you signs that he is not well you may want to increase those water changes to a 100%! If you had a test kit and we knew the readings we could advice better on how much is needed, but as it is, we only have the Betta telling us when he is not feeling well.
Since your tank is not cycled you don't need to worry about using old tank water to fill into the new tank. That water would be full of toxins and you don't want that for your Betta. Using only fresh water will be like a 100 % water change for him, ensure you have fresh water for him all the time until the switch and at the same temperature and he will acclimatize just fine.
Here is the beginner's resource centre, there you will find tons of information about many questions you have and probably some you haven't even thought of yet:
Here is a very interesting thread about Betta Splendens specifically:
Will you keep us updated how the switch to the bigger tank went? I hope all will go well for you and your Betta, good luck!
I dont have a test kit yet but today he is better. I just changed his water and he is much happier now, he moves more and the fins arent all together and closed. His fins flow with the water when he moves just perfect. I will have the tank tomorrow, i'm arranging to get a 3.3 gallon tank
Ok the 0.5 is bigger but not better. Dont think just because the tank is a little better than your doing it a favor, its too small regardless.

If you read through the entire thread you would see she knows this and is the process of getting a bigger tank 
 Being a bit rude don't ya think?
BettaBarbara said:


Hi Argoma,
In a small uncycled tank 25 - 50% water changes daily are not enough. Since he is showing you signs that he is not well you may want to increase those water changes to a 100%! If you had a test kit and we knew the readings we could advice better on how much is needed, but as it is, we only have the Betta telling us when he is not feeling well.
Since your tank is not cycled you don't need to worry about using old tank water to fill into the new tank. That water would be full of toxins and you don't want that for your Betta. Using only fresh water will be like a 100 % water change for him, ensure you have fresh water for him all the time until the switch and at the same temperature and he will acclimatize just fine.
Here is the beginner's resource centre, there you will find tons of information about many questions you have and probably some you haven't even thought of yet:
Here is a very interesting thread about Betta Splendens specifically:
Will you keep us updated how the switch to the bigger tank went? I hope all will go well for you and your Betta, good luck!
I dont have a test kit yet but today he is better. I just changed his water and he is much happier now, he moves more and the fins arent all together and closed. His fins flow with the water when he moves just perfect. I will have the tank tomorrow, i'm arranging to get a 3.3 gallon tank
Ok the 0.5 is bigger but not better. Dont think just because the tank is a little better than your doing it a favor, its too small regardless.

If you read through the entire thread you would see she knows this and is the process of getting a bigger tank 
 Being a bit rude don't ya think?

just saying, thats not a great justification IE if a lived in a cabinet and you put me in a closet it would be bigger but it would still be small. i know she said shed be getting a bigger tank, but you cant think with that mentality IMO.
just saying, thats not a great justification IE if a lived in a cabinet and you put me in a closet it would be bigger but it would still be small. i know she said shed be getting a bigger tank, but you cant think with that mentality IMO.


I understand what you are saying the old "surviving not thriving".....yes in a perfect world Bettas should be in a 5 gal tank in my opinion BUT sometimes people learn as they live...sometimes circumstances don't allow the perfect situation....they are coming here for advice and understanding....that is the mentality that I have....
good for you, but thats not mine
. you dont understand me obvisouly, im saying dont get a fish and put it in a bowl and justify it by saying its better than the store, not saying its the exact case here though.

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