New Stocking Ideas


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2011
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yeah got rid of my demasoni. delivered them to the bloke who bought them. think thats the best way as then you can see where their going and what there going in with.(now that was a nice tank and set up he had)
now i just have peacocks in the 240litre its new fish time. im thinking of adding all the fish in one go as i've got the cash at the moment and want to finally see it set up properly im thinking this as the fish set up. 5 ps elongatus chalousi, 5 afra hara and 8 yellow labs and 5 peacocks. thats 23 fish in 240 litres so im thinking it might be a bit too much? the filter is coping well but i just won another for an ok to average price so when it arrives i'll be running two fluval 305s. the lph on each is a 1000 so the tank will have a turnover of 8 times an hour or more like 6 times with fluval filters. would that be enough with them fish?
thanks for your help.
Yeah, should be. At one time I had about 70 cichlids, juvie to full grown in a 60 US gallon, running two hob's and an internal wet/dry. They were all healthy beautiful fish, I just had to change 5-10 gallons a day. So as long as you keep the numbers where they are, you should be good.
thats quite alot for a water change on a daily basis ain't it? i decided to get fry instead and use the small tank for them till they grow. i got the 7 ps elongatus chalousi, 8 afra
hara and 8 yellow lab fry. would.they be ok with the peacocks? the smallest is 2cm but the peacocks are quite a placid fish from i've seen so far.
The peacocks are very placid, but as long as there is enough room, it should work fine. Yeah it was a lot of work, but the fish were non-sterile hybrids and I didn't want to release them to other hobbyists.
yeah best not too. i know this isn't the right forum for this next bit but. on gumtree this woman was giving away platy/swordtail fry as she didn't want hybrids. why buy em knowing they will mate?? can't believe she thought she had any pure swordtails in the first place. back on point. on the flipside when the fry grow will the peacocks be alright? thanks mate

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