New Setup


Feb 23, 2006
Reaction score
Harlow, Essex
I changed my reef to a FOWLR today sold all my corals and fish and went and picked up a small Diodon holocanthus (spiny puffer) and a picaso trigger fish. At the moment they are in a 55g as they are still small but I will be moving them to a 120g in about 6 months. Anyone have any ideas on what to put in with them when I move them over I was thinking maybe an eel of some sort for the bottom any recomendatins anything else that you would add??? Tanks still very murkey as I kicked all the sand around so pics to follow when it clears.
Here is a couple of pics while they acclimatise.




they are real nice, that last pic is adorable lol. can u house them with lyretail wrasse or clown triggerfish ?
Sweet porcupine :good:
Erm, yeah a snowflake eel or something would be cool. Maybe try a foxface or something?
I keep my trigger with a bunch of morays. I would recommend any of the Echidna and Gymnomuraena species, some Gymnothorax can be kept (the main problem with many of these is size) but feed them only dead foods.

Sweet fish by the way; those diodonts (balloonfish) are very cute. Remember that with those fish corals are still and option, and some big snails will help with algae.
Mostly all corals are still an option, especially soft corals. That puffer is SO cute, I'm wayyyy jealous of your livestock!!
I thought they wasnt reef safe or is that just that they will eat inverts???? Also wont the puffer eat the large snails I like the look of the jubo hermits aswell.
I did but I still wouldnt trust the trigger around corals. And surely the puffer would eat the snails?????
That trigger will be fine with corals, he may gnaw on some hard corals though. Neither one of them are going to bother large snails...probably not...especially if theyre well fed...
Now the fish are in and settled here is a few pics. They are both eating well on prawn, muscle and gamma shrimp.



Gorgeous fish Mark.
We have the same species of Triggerfish at my work and he/she is a joy to watch. :good:
I added a new snowflake moray today and got some more pics for you guys. Its really starting to puzzle me now both the trig and the puffer both spend all day long at one side of the tank (the one nearest the wall) just going up and down the glass. The trigger does it while the lights are on then once there off he goes to bed. The puffer does it 24hrs a day. What can I do to try and stop this or will they stop over time???? Any ways here is a few pics.









As you can see im now fighting a diatoms problem since I closed the reef but should all be gone soon. And you can also see the corner the puffer and trigger spend all day.

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