£35 each
and it doesnt look anywhere near as nice as the wild natural colouration ram.... the blue rams seem to have lost their initial high prices too as ive seen them for sale at £12 each compared to their original price tag. these fish will be as sensitive if not more than the original rams due to the breeding program, i wonder if the sellers are prepared to pass this info on to the buyers, theres no comments on the website.
i would stay well away until the blues and these new lilacs have been around for a while to get an idea of their life expectancy and sensitvity levels etc.
Thanks for your post, and you are entitled to your opinion, but you are some what completely wrong. These fish are NOT any more sensitive than other rams.
I do agree that the natural blue rams are very nice though.
If you mean electric blue and their high price tag, electric blue rams have been in the country for around 5 years and are still being sold in most shops for around £20 a fish, some shops are still commanding £30 for them at a small size.
Rams that are imported are ONLY sensitive because the shops do not quarantine them for any period of time and Rams do not import very well, so you are getting stressed out fish and can die from the shock of travel so soon after import.
These are UK bred fish, they are not from some huge fish farm, they come from one of the UKs top ram breeders. So there is no reason to stay away from these fish at all.
Thanks again for the post...