Mostly New Member
Hey Ya'll
I Just restarted my 75 gallon tank. We have gone with an all natural tank pebbles on the bottom and slate as the decoration rock. I have two very pretty Tiger Oscars, three Marimos, and one snail. Everything is going "swimmingly" lol I was wondering if it is normal for Oscars to cuddle with each other? One Oscar is about 3-4in and the other guy is 5-6in. We got them at different times and from different stores, the little guy(David) first, then the big guy(Goliath). They don't fight thank goodness but they seem to cuddle at the bottom of the tank sometimes. and they don't leave each others side. Could it be possible that one is male and one is female? Is this normal?
I Just restarted my 75 gallon tank. We have gone with an all natural tank pebbles on the bottom and slate as the decoration rock. I have two very pretty Tiger Oscars, three Marimos, and one snail. Everything is going "swimmingly" lol I was wondering if it is normal for Oscars to cuddle with each other? One Oscar is about 3-4in and the other guy is 5-6in. We got them at different times and from different stores, the little guy(David) first, then the big guy(Goliath). They don't fight thank goodness but they seem to cuddle at the bottom of the tank sometimes. and they don't leave each others side. Could it be possible that one is male and one is female? Is this normal?