New Oscar Owner: Question


Mostly New Member
Jan 5, 2014
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Hey Ya'll
    I Just restarted my 75 gallon tank. We have gone with an all natural tank pebbles on the bottom and slate as the decoration rock. I have two very pretty Tiger Oscars, three Marimos, and one snail. Everything is going "swimmingly" lol I was wondering if it is normal for Oscars to cuddle with each other? One Oscar is about 3-4in and the other guy is 5-6in. We got them at different times and from different stores, the little guy(David) first, then the big guy(Goliath). They don't fight thank goodness but they seem to cuddle at the bottom of the tank sometimes. and they don't leave each others side. Could it be possible that one is male and one is female? Is this normal?
It is possible that they are a pair. They could also just be buddies until they mature. Both are possible. I had a breeding pair once. They were fun. But they got HUGE. They were 13 and 15 inches. Monster fish. Anyway, just keep an eye on them. They may bond well. They may start to fight. Also, they pout when you move them around or move the stuff in their tank. They don't like change and will do this for several days. Good luck. Keep in mind they may need an even bigger tank when they get older.
I fostered a pair of oscars for a while the never left each other side, they were about 9-10" and I had a rescue pair for a while that were much smaller they also never were apart in the tank, they were male and female.
They may be a pair or they may just really like each other. Keep an eye on them like others said as they are known to turn at maturity. I had a pair that did great together but once they got to be about 9 inches, they started fighting. Funny thing was, they are very smart and knew when they were in trouble. My husband would scold them when they fought and they would sulk like a kid in the corner. 
Young or smaller sized oscars tend to be gregarious and fond of tankmates near or same as their size. I used to house a 4" inch black oscar and 5" albino oscar in a community tank with your usual mix of barbs, tetras and gouramis without any issues at all for more than 4 years. None eaten. (Til the puffer and the jewel came and ended my mixed community dream) lol

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