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Sep 9, 2020
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Hello all,
Might of guessed, but my name is Erik. I live in Northern Virginia and am what I would consider an experienced but basic fish keeper. My single 29gal fish tank is pretty simple and the species of my collection are not very exotic. I've always had my three favorites from childhood so I pretty much have stuck to those in my tanks over the years. #1 All time is Kuhli Loaches (currently only have 3 black but looking to expand with several banded giants), #2 are Neon Tetras of which I currently have 5, #3 are Serpae Tetras (called Red minor tetras for some reason if you get them from the box stores) and I have 3 of them. I also just took in 3 randoms from my Dad who was breaking down his tank, a black skirt (I think), a pleco, and a pink glow fish of some kind. The tank is lightly planted with java fern, as I have not had much luck with anything else, and decorated with a cave over the sand bed for the Kuhlis to hide in and several sticks and chunks of wood. I rely predominately on a sponge filter and heavy aeration for filtration and water quality, but do run a mechanical filter a few days a week usually. I keep relatively low lighting with just a 2 bulb fluorescent fixture well above the tank. I also keep 2 red eared sliders in a 75gal above the fish tank and for a long time had a collection of over 20 poison dart frogs of 7 or 8 species in a dozen terrariums in their own room in the house. Sadly the frogs all met with a tragedy that I cant easily talk about so I'm currently just keeping it simple. I also have 2 dogs and 3 cats and 2 children, yes its a bit of a zoo around here at times. Look forward to chatting with you guys and exchanging ideas and knowledge. Thanks for having me.


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Welcome Erik!

Watch out your Serpae Tetra and Black Skirt. They are nippy fish that will nip the fins and tail of other fish.

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