New Fish!


Fish Crazy
Apr 15, 2012
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For 2 months i cycled my tamk and just today i got 4 guppies ( 1 male and 3 female, the shop owner who is a really good friend picked 2 out of the 3 female that are pregnant ) and 1 dwarf gourami. Im so excited especially because my 2 females are preg. It is a 10 gallon
Gourmet lunch for the gourami soon then I would think
I would think that it will have something to do with the fact that when the fry are born, then the gourami will go after them.
Just a guess - others with better knowledge than me will be able to advise.

Oh ok. I dont really want that many fry anyway. It will be nice for 1 or 2 to survive thought
The gourami will eat fry but... Mine got lazy after awhile and quit going after the fry. I do feed my fish often. 3-4 times a day. If you want to keep some fry, big bushy fake plants work well. I built a rock wall (stacked real rocks loosely on one side) in one of my tanks so the fry could hide and the bigger fish could not get them. Good luck with your fry. :shifty:
Guppies can manage to feed everyone else in the tank breakfast and still make their own numbers increase, lol.

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