Hi all,
Just looking for a couple of opinions on what to do. Ive got a 4ft tank thats been set and has a pair discus fish in for nearly 4 years now they are pretty big now nearly the size of a saucer and look absolutely amazing.
The other day I went to my local pet shop, to add a couple more smaller fish to the tank to make it look a little more lively, so after a few hours research on the net I came to the conclusion that neon tetras and rasboras would be ok in the tank with them. So I purchased a small group of both neon tetras and rasboras as I felt like that they needed to be kept in a small group as they are schooling fish.
When I go home from the pet shop one of the neons was dead, so I done a test of the pet shops water quality, and repeated it a couple of times as the the PH seems really high its literally a bright deep dark blue.
Anyway this scared the crap outta me as my water quality under the test is usually stable and a green colour on the test kit Picture Below of the two tests.

So I'm really unsure of what to do and hope ive done the right thing.
I have placed all fish in a separate tank (kinda quarantine) as I don't want to hurt my discus, although my water quality is a lot different from the pet shops I'm hoping they will adapt to it and not die. Lost another of the neons last nite, but the rest this morning seem ok swimming around. I would still like to add these new fish into my main tank so we can all see them and its why I got them.
Problem is now I don't really know when I should add them.
One thing is for sure I'm not purchasing fish from that shop again not with a PH like that
Just looking for a couple of opinions on what to do. Ive got a 4ft tank thats been set and has a pair discus fish in for nearly 4 years now they are pretty big now nearly the size of a saucer and look absolutely amazing.
The other day I went to my local pet shop, to add a couple more smaller fish to the tank to make it look a little more lively, so after a few hours research on the net I came to the conclusion that neon tetras and rasboras would be ok in the tank with them. So I purchased a small group of both neon tetras and rasboras as I felt like that they needed to be kept in a small group as they are schooling fish.
When I go home from the pet shop one of the neons was dead, so I done a test of the pet shops water quality, and repeated it a couple of times as the the PH seems really high its literally a bright deep dark blue.
Anyway this scared the crap outta me as my water quality under the test is usually stable and a green colour on the test kit Picture Below of the two tests.

So I'm really unsure of what to do and hope ive done the right thing.
I have placed all fish in a separate tank (kinda quarantine) as I don't want to hurt my discus, although my water quality is a lot different from the pet shops I'm hoping they will adapt to it and not die. Lost another of the neons last nite, but the rest this morning seem ok swimming around. I would still like to add these new fish into my main tank so we can all see them and its why I got them.
Problem is now I don't really know when I should add them.
One thing is for sure I'm not purchasing fish from that shop again not with a PH like that