I'm not sure if we've had this before - I searched for it but nothing came up so perhaps not.
Well another member has posted about Love Fish fish food which has brought me to mention what I feed my fish and rather than hyjack another thread I thought I'd make my own.
I've tried various foods for my fish over the years but the one they all seem to like the best is New Era ... that is all except the flake. My lot are fussy about flake and they're not keen on the New Era flake at all.
I feed my cories New Era catfish pellets and they seem to absolutely love it. They are soft so gentle on their mouths and they sink well to, generally landing on the sand in a little heap ready for my cories to get stuck in. They don't last very long. The SAE's like them too.
For some time I've been feeding my ancistrus New Era's plec pellets too and he really likes them. He comes and clamps his mouth over it and glares at the cories if they try to steal. He's funny
For a long time I fed my SA cichlids their special pellets too. The only thing I found was they sank a little too fast. That's fine for my angelfish as they tend to dart at the food anyway but for curviceps it was no good. Curviceps is too shy to dart out for food and so they tended to miss out. I've not bought any now for a while as I decided to try Tetra Prima instead but once I've used this up I'm considering going back to the New Era cichlid pellets. I found it helped with fish colour more and they seemed 'brighter' on the New Era cichlid pellet.
The only problem I have is getting hold of it. My usual lfs don't stock it and I have to either travel about 15 miles to MA to get it (often to find they are out of stock) or I have to order online.
So, has anyone else tried it? if so what do you think? do you find the fish love it too?
I'm not sure if it's available outside of the U.K yet so this may only be of any use to the U.K members
Well another member has posted about Love Fish fish food which has brought me to mention what I feed my fish and rather than hyjack another thread I thought I'd make my own.
I've tried various foods for my fish over the years but the one they all seem to like the best is New Era ... that is all except the flake. My lot are fussy about flake and they're not keen on the New Era flake at all.
I feed my cories New Era catfish pellets and they seem to absolutely love it. They are soft so gentle on their mouths and they sink well to, generally landing on the sand in a little heap ready for my cories to get stuck in. They don't last very long. The SAE's like them too.
For some time I've been feeding my ancistrus New Era's plec pellets too and he really likes them. He comes and clamps his mouth over it and glares at the cories if they try to steal. He's funny
For a long time I fed my SA cichlids their special pellets too. The only thing I found was they sank a little too fast. That's fine for my angelfish as they tend to dart at the food anyway but for curviceps it was no good. Curviceps is too shy to dart out for food and so they tended to miss out. I've not bought any now for a while as I decided to try Tetra Prima instead but once I've used this up I'm considering going back to the New Era cichlid pellets. I found it helped with fish colour more and they seemed 'brighter' on the New Era cichlid pellet.
The only problem I have is getting hold of it. My usual lfs don't stock it and I have to either travel about 15 miles to MA to get it (often to find they are out of stock) or I have to order online.
So, has anyone else tried it? if so what do you think? do you find the fish love it too?
I'm not sure if it's available outside of the U.K yet so this may only be of any use to the U.K members