New Betta Tank


New Member
Jun 29, 2016
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I've just bought an aquanano 40 which I plan to house a male Betta in. I've added my gravel and water and I'm going to start my fishless cycle tomorrow.

I'm using tap water at the moment. My tap water is very hard with a GH of 15 and PH of 7.8.

I'm wondering if I need to use RO water for my Betta rather than my tap water?
Bettas can handle High PH as long as its stable. while softer water IS preferable. From my experience I've had bettas in PH of 7.8 too and I've had bettas breed in that high PH range. So its no problem, just make sure it does not fluctuate

I've just bought an aquanano 40 which I plan to house a male Betta in. I've added my gravel and water and I'm going to start my fishless cycle tomorrow.

I'm using tap water at the moment. My tap water is very hard with a GH of 15 and PH of 7.8.

I'm wondering if I need to use RO water for my Betta rather than my tap water?
Not to sound petulant but you are using water conditioner with your tap water right?
Are you getting plants? If you are I would add them to the tank now they will help stabilize the tank faster.

Go with tap water unless there is a reason not to. It is always best to keep fish in water that comes out of your tap treated with something like Prime, Your Betta will be fine.
Are you getting plants? If you are I would add them to the tank now they will help stabilize the tank faster.

I am planning on using real plants yes - trying to decide which to go for. I was planning on taking snippets from my community tank but they are medium to high tech and this new tank doesn't have the correct amount of light I believe.

I'm also using a co2 system in my main tank where as I'm going to be using liquid co2 in this one.
Anubias, Crypts Swords, Blue Stricta are all good low tech plants.

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