well my friend had a siamese fighter fish kept with guppies i had told her you cant keep them with guppies but she didnt listen well the fish started attacking her guppies after a few weeks of having it and she was going to flush it which is just really cruel so i said i would take him the thing is i didnt have a tank to put him in as mytropical tank also has guppies so went out and bought a 26 litre aquael tank with heater and filter so now im having to cycle the tank with him in i have never owned a betta before but read up alot about them it was either me rescuing him or him going down the toilet my question is will he be ok if i cycle the tank with him in i know about doing water changes i conditioned the water with prime and added seachem stability before he went in i have also got a new api master test kit comming either tomorrow or saturday as i had the test strips which i now know are not accurate and dont test ammonia and also i got some frozen bloodworms how much of the cubed bloodworms should i feed him and can he eat tropical fish flakes i also got a plant in his tank and also a moss ball which the lfs i got tank from said are ideal plants for fighter fish he is just so adorable and i really want to do right with this little guy i have named him victor