Hello fish professionals! I am really new to the aquatic world, pushed on it if I must say. Anyway, I hate my aquarium after having it for 11 months and want something awesome. I purchased a Fluval Edge 12 gal tank because it comes with everything u need and I had no idea what to buy. Now that I have had this tank for some time, I realize how difficult it is to clean! Its very tall and not anything that I would have bought if I would have not been a beginner. So after soooo much research on tanks and supplies, I'm still with the same aquarium. I only have one danio and one betta because I haven't wanted to purchase new fish until I establish a new aquarium but I need help! I would like a 20 gal, with a 3d background and a awesome filter and not so bright light (because of betta) but Im so overwhelmed. I don't really care of cost as much as I want some good quality products, because I feel the better quality will help me with the maintenance, and I want something beautiful for my fish and also beautiful for me and my son too look at. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.