New Angel Fish. Little Stinkers.


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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I lost a few fish from my bottle mix up. All the ones that lived are doing great and everything is back to normal. So I thought I need some new fish. 
I took my friend to a weird fish store. She saw a kio angle and really liked it. In the same tank were 2 smokey leopard angels I liked. They were all getting harassed by a large mad male Emperor tetra. I had to have all 3. 
I brought them home they fit in my tank great no problems. But they are little Punks. Why are angle fish such punks. Mine like to pick on the BN Pleco if she is on the glass. They are so funny in the things they do. I love them. I kept a breeding pair 3 years ago but they were too stressful. Breeding pairs cause lots of Drama. So I gave them away. Put I really did like them and have always wanted to try angles again. 
here are my new fish. 



Oh wow they are super pretty :D
I'd love to give angels a shot, if my d gourami don't work out.
Though I'm hoping to breed them :)
Don't know why they call them angels - they are anything but angelic! Back in the day when I knew nothing about keeping fish I had some in with a betta and overnight his fins were torn off and he ended up looking like a blue apple core! The angels went back to the LFS that same day!
Yours look lovely tho - hope they settle down and stop harassing your BN.
Well My 80gal tank is for the angels now. I love these guys so much personality, not expensive, and pretty, They school too. I am in love. I kept disucs for a few years and now I can say I like angel fish better. I bought 2 more angels today so that makes 5 in my planted 80 gal. 
Here are my new 2 they all have names now.

This is lonnie because of the long fins.


This is smokey


I love these fish.

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