Neon Tetra Problem


New Member
Oct 24, 2012
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i have 11 neon tetras one has developed a problem he is having trouble swiming twitching and swimming upward and leaning to the right i think he won't last long doing this, does anyone have any advice as to what to do, the tank is clean has a fluval 305 filter seems like hes had a stroke and can't move his left side
Sorry I don't know what it is, could you possibly take a video and post it, might help others to diagnose the problem with you. Hope he gets better.
Might be worth moving/re-posting in another forum section. This is coming up in the classified section so might not be seen by anyone who can help.
is the tank cycled, or newly cycled neons tend not to do well in new tanks, can you tell us your water stats?
How many gallons is the tank please?
How many fish and which type?
Can you please post water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Does the neon look bloated?
Is the red stripe area still vibrant red?
Is the neon gasping, laboured breathing?
Does the neon turn upside down?

i took it to local fish shop and the amonia was slightly high at 3 although my test kit said all stats were good ph about 8 amonia 0 no2 &3 0 anyway the woman sugested it might be copper poisoning although didn't test for it just sold me a filter pad to stick in the tank for £16.50 which i could've got from ebay for £8 free delivery (scare tactics i think but i brought it) the tank was cycled over a year ago and have a fluval305 filter i do have quite a lot of fish in the tank but all the others are happy enough the woman also suggested i might be feeding them to much but i don't think i am all there food is eaten up. the ill neon is now in my other tank with guppys and platys just incase it was contageous to other neons he is still alive 3 days on but i can see he is struggling to swim having just fed them he is bent so swims to the right but he hasn't lost his colour and seem happy apart from his deformaty
oh and the tank is a juwel 99cm across i guess its about 25 gallons at least the fluval filter must take about another gallon at least,


You can't mend a bent spine. If he having trouble swimming, he will just get exhausted. If he gets any worse bless him it might be kinder to end his misery.

How many fish do you have in the 25 gallon tanks please?
You can't mend a bent spine. If he having trouble swimming, he will just get exhausted. If he gets any worse bless him it might be kinder to end his misery.

How many fish do you have in the 25 gallon tanks please?
i have ended his misery all of my other fish are fine so i think it had just developed a bent spine and there was nothing else for it, thanks for your advice. i have a breeding pair of kribs, 4 barbs 8 small endlers 3 waggly tail catfish a 6 inch sailfin and 5 algie eaters also bogwood 3 live rocks with mature plants, the fluval305 filter allows more fish than a normal tank although i know when the sailfin fets much bigger he will have to be re-homed i brought the tank with fish and have already taken some fish out and re-homed in my other tank a 20 gal tank will post a picture when i can,

kind regards,

Yours tank is very overstocked.
You need to reduce your stockong as the filter won't be able to keep up with all the fish in the tank.
I would think about rehoming the sailfin plec. Or invest in a much larger tank.
Best advice is to research the fish before you buy for tank size, adult size, compatibility.
Rough guide is one inch of fish, to one gallon of water.

Thank you for the update.

Sorry for your loss. :rip:
Hi again,

yes i thought it was overstocked when i brought it (ready stocked) having already removed 8 platy's i thought it might be alright i know the inch per gal rule but also have heard (from lfs)that if you have an external filter such as fluval305 allows space for more but how much more i have no idea will think about re-homeing the plec although he is a magnificent specimin and only comes out at night will definately miss him when he goes. :sad:

I think it best to under stock a tank. As fish just get stressed and ill.

If you are unable to upgrade to a larger tank I do think it's in the best interest of the fish to rehome the plec.

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