Neon glassfish?


You were right. I lost one glass fish this morning. Didn't appear to sick last night before I went to bed. Woke up this morning and found him dead floating vertical in the tank. The shrimp had already starting eating on him. I'm still hoping the others make it.

"Neon glassfish?, What to think about them?"

I would never buy any altered fish (including gold-fish, which suffer their bodies). And if i found some altered fish from my favorite pet-store, i would never go again that place. Lucky the owner knows about fish alot and knows that no one his regular customers wouldn't buy those fish.

My opinion is that there should be laws to prevent colouring fish artificially.
I lost another this afternoon. That makes two that have died today. I was starting to think yesterday. Hey they have made a week. They are going to be fine. Guess I was wrong.

Faye, I know your posting was for pete to answer, but I am concerned by what you said about the shrimp eating the carcass. The contaminants in the dye could have lethal affects on the shrimp and other inhabitants that may have had a "nibble". Just keep a close eye on all your other fish. Vigilance is now your key to avoid a big fish bill.
By the way... Are you talking about Kryptopterus bicirrhis/minor or chanda ranga or some other fish?
I would like to suggest something here. It has been my experiance when dealing with glass fish and the like that the "color" is not injected dye, but rather flourescent paints. The way to tell is watch and see how long it is before your fish start to lose there beautiful colors and return to their natural color which should be translucent.

If this is the case the paint should begin to wear off after several weeks. This IMO is also a practice akin to injected dyes, but is NOT as leathal. It still is harmful and painful for the fish to endure the process however.
mrV Chanda Ranga


The rest of the fish are healthy and happy.


Colors are still very bright. It's been over two weeks. I'll keep you updated

Thanks again

I am saddened by your loss but it was to be expected :what: :(

Perhaps you should go to the shop you bought the fish from and have a bit of a winge at them about not telling you that they were "tattoo'd" fish and that you feel after looking at how the process is undertaken to dye them that you feel it is inappropriate to sell them or at the very least to not tell people the risks entailed in keeping low ssurvival rates etc :what:

Just a thought and dont think im pressureing you onto the bandwagon lol ;) :laugh: :blush:

I agree with you completely. Whether I talk to the manager in person or write a letter. I need to do something. Had I know I would not have bought these fish. Still being a novice I have learned a few things the hard way. I will be researching fish before purchases. I have learned that lfs are either uneducated or not completely honest. Thanks for your help.

Faye 8)
No probs mate thats what we're here for lol ;) :laugh:
ok, I did it. I went to the lfs yesterday. Starting looking at the fish. I noticed they had a whole tank full of neon glassfish.

I asked the lady," Do you know they dye those fish?"

she responded, "yes,"

I replied," Do you know, they put the fish in acid and then inject the fish with a dye. As a result of this a great number of fish end up dying."

her response," I had no idea. I haven't heard of any fish dying."

I replied, " Well they end up dying a couple weeks after you get them home. So basically your selling people fish and they end up dying because they have been altered."

her replied," I had no idea."

Anyway I don't think it will do much good. I feel better though.


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