Hey guys. At the moment I'm just about ready to start stocking my tank up. I was originally going to have a julidochromis tank, but after a lot of research it seems juli pairs split up rather easily, and I don't want my pairs to kill each other once I move out of my parent's house. So I'm planning on getting neolamprologus brichardi as my main rock dweller instead.
The stock I have in mind right now is:
6 neolamprologus brichardi
6 neolamprologus multifasciatus
1 altolamprologus calvus
6 cyprichromis leptosoma
However, I've noticed there are a few species of neolamprologus that are solitary and have a similar look to julidochromis species, one of them being the neolamprologus cylindricus, as well as neolamprologus leptosoma, neolamprologus beuscheri (which seems rather hard to come by) etc.. I was wondering if I could swap out the calvus for one of these fish that bare the striking resemblance to a juli, but will be alright as a single fish. What worries me is temperament, as brichardi aren't extremely boisterous, and multifasciatus are rather small.
Any info or suggestions are appreciated. Tank is a 48"x12"x18".
The stock I have in mind right now is:
6 neolamprologus brichardi
6 neolamprologus multifasciatus
1 altolamprologus calvus
6 cyprichromis leptosoma
However, I've noticed there are a few species of neolamprologus that are solitary and have a similar look to julidochromis species, one of them being the neolamprologus cylindricus, as well as neolamprologus leptosoma, neolamprologus beuscheri (which seems rather hard to come by) etc.. I was wondering if I could swap out the calvus for one of these fish that bare the striking resemblance to a juli, but will be alright as a single fish. What worries me is temperament, as brichardi aren't extremely boisterous, and multifasciatus are rather small.
Any info or suggestions are appreciated. Tank is a 48"x12"x18".