Needle Nose Gar With Rope Fish?


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Feb 28, 2012
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Would a needle nose gar be ok with 3 rope fish? I don't know if it would bite it in half or something. The tank is 130 gallons, so it's big enough. Also, some people say needle nose gars need to be converted to brackish water as they grow, but others say they don't. Which one is true?
Is it really a Gar?
Sometimes "Long Nose Gar" is labelled as "Needle nose.

Most times "Needle Nose Gar" is a common name for "Xenentodon cancila" which is NOT a Gar.

If it's the real Gar, you are in trouble. (or your Ropefish and tank size is)
If its the Xenentodon, that should be fine with a rope as long as the Rope isn't too small.
No, not a true gar, but it's known as needle nose gar, freshwater gar, Xenentodon cancila is it's scientific name.
I've always wanted an alligator gar, but I don't really have a 7,000 gallon aquarium, nor the space for one, so I figured this is the closest I'd get.
My three rope fish are about 12-16" (wonderful little guys). I also have a bichir, an oscar, a featherfin squeaker, a severum and a firemouth, plus some snails, but they're going to be moved soon. With the gar, do you think that would be overstocked and how do you think a juvenile would do with my other fish (sizes range from 4-17")? I have 2 Fluval Fx5s, and I check my levels every two days to make sure everything is fine. What do you think?
I read that they should be in groups of 3, but would it be ok to only have one? And is it possible to feed them frozen, I don't mind feeding live, but frozen is what I prefer (silversides, bloodworms, krill, prawns ect)

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