Need Urgent Help


New Member
May 14, 2012
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Hi Guys,
So it's been almost a month since the last time i posted these symptoms that one of my Blood Parrot was displaying, treated the tank with Melafix but to no avail and now the things seem to be getting worse as another one of my BPs seems to have caught it.

Both my BPs have redness/sores on their pectoral fins and nose (from the top of the head to the tip of the nose), from what ive googled up this is the closest thing i found:
This seems to suggest that it might be a bacterial infection and needs to be treated with Oxytetracycline Powder which i believe is also called Terramycyn, correct me if i'm wrong.

What do you guys think? I need help urgent.
If thats the case how do i treat the tank? none of my other fish seem to be displaying anything out of order.

Parameters: 0,0,15ppm pH:8.2 & the fish are eating fine and are active.

To help you guys out here's a little video, focus on the yellow BPs (never mind the quality):

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