Fish Fanatic
so a girl i went to school with got ahold of me today and said she has 2 African Cichlids she needs to get rid of and if the pet store cant take them she doesnt know what she's gonna do. So me being the fish lover told her to let me know if the pet store she goes to doesnt want them, if they dont I'LL TAKE THEM....... yep you probably guessed it, i have no clue what im walking into with these cichlids if the pet store doesnt take them. the only tanks i have open that i could set up are 30 gallons and a 37 gallon tall but i only have 1 extra filter available and id have to go buy new media for that as i didnt plan on having another tank up and running but i couldnt bear to think that she might just kill them so i guess i need to know how big these suckers get and can 2 of them that are 2-3 inches long live in a 30 gallon aquarium. i can fill the new aquarium up with tank water from my 55 gallon or at least partially with that water and i can see if my LFS can help me out with media.
yes i know stupid of me to just jump in on fish ive never owned and know nothing about but on the off chance the pet store wont take them she said they are mine so i need any and all advice i can get...
yes i know stupid of me to just jump in on fish ive never owned and know nothing about but on the off chance the pet store wont take them she said they are mine so i need any and all advice i can get...