Need Some Help Pricing Things Out.


New Member
Jul 23, 2013
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So I know this is a very lazy way of doing this but how much would it cost to start a 75 gallon freshwater planted tank. If you have any advice on what lights, filters, ect to use I would love to hear them. Also I'm planning on building my own stand so that doesnt need to be included in any estimations that you might have.
I'm not sure exactly how much it would cost but I definitely suggest looking on Craigslist before buying anything... My dad just picked up a 55 gallon saltwater setup with 2 lion fish, sand, all the pumps, filters ,lights ,coral ,rock ,etc... For 400 bucks. ,!!! I know that definitely would have run him a few thousand from a store brand new, A lot of people are practically giving the stuff away because they don't have time or money for the hobby any longer,
Thanks for the reply, I looked there and saw some good tanks. My worry is though that they have hidden problems in them that will eventually cost more money than buying brand new.

Also this is going to be in a bedroom, so what is the quietest filtration I could get?

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