Need Some Advice :/


Fish Fanatic
Jun 16, 2014
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I am looking for some advice, I have only been keeping fish for a year and I currently have a 36 litre fish tank in my bedroom. It has 4 male guppies (one died last week from swim bladder :( ) and 2 male platies. I really want to add some more fish but don't know what to add, I want something calm that won't bite the guppies tails but I really don't what I could add , any help will be greatly received :) x
There are a few nano species of fish that may be suitable for this but depends on your water type
What is your water hardness?
gH and kH inforamtion can be gained from doing tests or taking sample of water to LFS and they can do the tests for you, probably at a small price. or you can look up water stats from your local water board online.
This may help us determine what may be suitable for your 36 litre / 9.5 US gal tank.
By the way, imo your tank may be a little bit small for platies, they prefer at least a 2 foot tank, preferably 3 foot tank as they are fairly active.
I have been on the website but can't find it on there :( are there any ways to check without using a kit? I saw a while ago you can do something in a bottle and see the bubbles or something but I can't remember what it was :/
You do need a test kit to properly find out your hardness. As you're in the UK though, the info will be there on your supplier's website. Tell us what region you're in, and we can help you find it :)
I have to agree with Ch4rlie about the platies; they really do get a bit big for a 36l tank :/
I am in mid Wales :) pur water is supplied by severn Trent water but there website seems useless to me :( thanks for helping me find the information :)
I found it :) pH is an average of 8.05 and is moderately soft :)
So what fish do you suggest? I have been thinking about getting one male swordtail ??
I would want to know more precisely what "moderately soft" means, as these terms can vary from person to person.  Assuming for the moment it is relative to moderately hard, you are likely OK for livebearers, which covers the fish you now have.
However, you do not have room for more fish of any type, and as other members have suggested, the platy would be better in larger quarters.  A 36 litre aquarium is a 10 gallon (to those of us who still understand Imperial measurement better, lol).  This will suit the guppies, but no more.  Swordtail would be way too large a fish, these attain 4-5 inches (10-12 cm) on average, but have been known to reach 6 inches (15 cm); females get larger than males.  This fish needs at least a 3-foot (90 cm) aquarium.
Fish in store tanks are usually juvenile and thus small, and I know it is difficult to imagine a significantly larger fish in your home aquarium when you see them.  But fish grow all their lives, and they need adequate space to do so, or they will not develop properly and be ridden with sickness and premature death.  Swordtails are usually seen around 2 inches in stores, which is about six months of age, and the fish can live 3-4 years in good conditions.
There aren't that many options for a 36 liter tank. You would need to look at the nano species of fish, and I don't know if they'd be compatible with guppies. I would recommend to return the platies to the shop, and exchange them for more male guppies, or do a complete change.
For now you should wait at least 2 weeks before adding anything new. In another thread you wrote you found one of your guppies dead this morning after it was struggling to breathe at the surface last night. If there is an illness going on in your tank you would only risk losing the new fish as well. Also, I would recommend quarantining new additions first. If you have another tank to start the quarantine then you could go ahead and get your new additions.

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