Need helps with Guppies asap!


May 15, 2023
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So as some of you may know on June 24th I got 4 Male guppies for a surprise 5.5 gallon tank for a friend. 2 from LFS, 2 from PetSmart. The 2 from PetSmart bullied they LFS ones so much that they died. We returned the bullies and 2 weeks later got 4 from LFS. 2 white mosaics and 2 blue mosaics. Well, the white mosaics were bigger than the blues and started picking on them....and....yea. We just have the 2 white mosaic now.

So my question is should we get 1, 2, 3 more white mosaic guppies? Or just leave the 2? It's been 4 days and they have not been picking on each other at all, but I'm scared that they'll start to. Or maybe they wont, i don't know. What should we do?
I also think the other mosaic variety is weaker so I won't be getting that kind again. But I'm not sure if I should get more guppies, and if I should how many.
Hi, well you could try to put in more white mosaics and see what happens. AI do get it why you doubting the situation. But there's just one way to find out. Eventhough, guppies are meant to be friendly fish, they also do have an aggressive side when they become dominant.
Hi, well you could try to put in more white mosaics and see what happens. AI do get it why you doubting the situation. But there's just one way to find out. Eventhough, guppies are meant to be friendly fish, they also do have an aggressive side when they become dominant.
Ok, I've heard that the more guppies you havd in a tank the less likely they will be to attack each other, so I will get some more when I go tomorrow. Do you think 2 more is a good number, or is it kind of like a Betta sorority where they need to be in odd numbers?
Ok, I've heard that the more guppies you havd in a tank the less likely they will be to attack each other, so I will get some more when I go tomorrow. Do you think 2 more is a good number, or is it kind of like a Betta sorority where they need to be in odd numbers?
Odd or even numbers is of no issue. Try two extra first. If it goes well, you can always add more.
Ok, one more question: I'm only going to get 2 more, and I could very well not get any more for the tank, but how many male guppies could you put in that tank without overstocking? I've seen websites say 4 males is the absolute limit, then experienced fishkeepers on YouTube have 7 males in a 5 gallon. I honestly, if all goes well probably only have 4 in total for that tank.

I don't mean to bother you either, but it seems there are mixed opinions with male guppies in 5 gallon tanks. :p
Those who stick to the rule of 1 fish per gallon will stick to 4-5 guppies. But actually, you can house some more in a 5 gallon tank. It comes down on how much space would you like to offer per guppy. And if you've got decoration and plants in it, the space will become smaller. To me it comes down how harmonious will all fish be together, that will make more sense to allow more guppies in there or not.

So yes, I do understand why you are doubting what to do with so many different opinions on this. I myself do exceed the 1gallon/1 fish rule. And I've got healthy and happy fish. But I also have to say that the number will differ because on a frequent basis fish will be sold.

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