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Feb 6, 2005
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i have several fish in my tank

10 gallon(brackish water)

3 balloon mollies
3 alge eaters
4 mollies
2 mickey moons
3 platies

5 of the fish have something green on there scales and fins. they also brush up on the plants and gravel but show no other signs. it started on my gold alge eater and spead. i dont know what it is or if its bad.
dont know what the green is im afraid, any chance of a pic?

your tank though is way overcrowded. have you got tests for the water? ammonia,nitrite,nitrate and ph would be good. how long has the tank been running for? and what filtration are you using?

as its brackish what level is the salt at ? the answers to these might help someone else.
Try some salt in the tank, and maybe salt bath, but not sure on algae eater if they can have salt.
i've had the tank for 2 months and i only added like 1.5 teaspoons cuz of an ick problem using a advanced power filter for a 5-15 gallon tank by wisper and i havent had any problems with that. i havent had my water tested though but i will. thanks for the input.
If they are brushing and rubbing it sounds like a parasite, and parasites don't like salt so maybe give it a go.
flashing can also indicate problems with the water quality.
Yes please post test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph to rule it out.
here is a pic as requested although the pic is somewhat out of focus.


  • Feb07_01.JPG
    31.7 KB · Views: 31
Can you post test results , can't see anything on the picture, sorry it's blurry.
I can't either but I'm thinking velvet. Treat for ich and keep it up for at least a week after. I also suggest you get rid of the 'golden algae eaters' which will eventualy get to be 10" and are aggressive slime-suckers later on in life. This would also help correct the over-stock problem you have at the moment. Meanwhile increase water changes and buy yourself test kits.
Never see green mentioned in slime coat, could be a parasite but the salt baths should help with that.
firedragon_1999_2002 said:
here is a pic as requested although the pic is somewhat out of focus.
Sorry I can't help but...where did you get your frog decoration??? I must have one!!
i will test the water and thanks for the info. i didnt know about the gold alge eaters though. i think i'll put them i a difrent tank. as for the frog deco. i got it at walmart in the fish section but you should be able to find it else where. i will post results when i have them. htanks again.
i just found a few white spots. ive got ick . again. but even the lfs dosent even know what it is. i'm going to treat for ick and see if maybee it getsrid of what ever is on my fish. thanks, i'll keep you posted. :eek:

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