Need Help


Jan 8, 2012
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just got a new 180l tank wick came lots of fish and is overstocked how many would I have to get read of so it  is not overstocked
the tank has in it
2 keyhole chiclids
2 angel fish
6 red eye tetra
1 kissing gourmi
1 silver doller
2 brissel nose pleco
12 cory
1 striped dora
1 fetherfin catfish
2 bledding  hart trtra
2 yoyo loach
1 common pleco
thanks for any help and sorry about spelling
Here you go:

2 keyhole cichlids - good
2 angel fish - good
6 red eye tetra - good
1 kissing gourmi - bad
1 silver dollar - good
2 brissel nose Pleco - good
12 cory - good
1 striped dora - ???? What?
1 fetherfin catfish - depends on species but mostly no
2 bledding  hart tetra - needs bigger school
2 yoyo loach - good
1 common pleco - bad

I woudl have 1 ( big ) school of tetra/ 2 schools ( smaller ) of tetra ,the keyholes/ angels, the cories and the brisltensoe Pleco.
TallTree01 said:
Here you go:
2 keyhole cichlids - good
2 angel fish - good
6 red eye tetra - good
1 kissing gourmi - bad
1 silver dollar - good
2 brissel nose Pleco - good
12 cory - good
1 striped dora - ???? What?
1 fetherfin catfish - depends on species but mostly no
2 bledding  hart tetra - needs bigger school
2 yoyo loach - good
1 common pleco - bad
I woudl have 1 ( big ) school of tetra/ 2 schools ( smaller ) of tetra ,the keyholes/ angels, the cories and the brisltensoe Pleco.
You definitely don't want the common pleco!
Not too clued up on Keyhole Cichlids so will leave that to other people, what i do know is that they are generally alright in communities but can be aggressive when breeding.
The Angelfish will probably kill each other if they are not paired together and if they are there is a good chance they will kill some other fish when they spawn, at the very least they will become aggressive and territorial.
Red Eye Tetras should be alright.
Kissing Gourami's get too big for a tank of this size and can be aggressive.
Silver Dollars need to be in largish groups, grow to a pretty chunky size and will eat most plants, IMO the tank should be based around them and their needs with no other centrepiece fish (Angels, Keyhole Cichlids) if they are going to be in it.
Bristlenose Plecos are generally pretty well behaved, they are messy though.
Cory's are great fish and a group of that size is more than acceptable, though i would say the bottom of your tank is looking rather crowded, especially if it is a large species of Cory.
Is this Dora the same as a Striped Raphael/Humbug Catfish? If so from what i gather it will eat fish small enough to fit in it's mouth and will much prefer to stay hidden in the day (lots of hiding places and plants are preferable).
Featherfin Catfish are quite aggressive and territorial (if we are thinking of the same fish, Synodontis Eupterus) and IMO will not generally work in a fairly crowded bottom dweller community like this, though it is not impossible.
Bleeding Heart Tetra should be in groups of a pretty fair size, males especially may be a little nippy.
Yoyo Loaches need to be in a larger group (4 at the very, very least) or they will be stressed, withdrawn and aggressive, though they are pretty boisterous anyway so may frighten some more timid fish.
That Common Pleco needs to go, lovely fish and temperament in general but will grow fair too large and is extremely messy.
just counted the corys  and there is 17 but they are not all same type
blackops said:
Tank dimensions, please?
In that case it cannot home the following for life IMO...
Kissing Gourami
Silver Dollar
Striped Dora
Featherfin Synodontis
Yoyo Loaches
Common Pleco
If the Angelfish are a bonded pair, they might just about cope (presuming the tank has 50cm depth), but a longer tank would be better. If they aren't bonded, maybe you could keep a singleton and stock around it.
Presuming the Angelfish get rehomed too, I still think more of the others need to go. For a balanced final stocking I think you need to choose three of...
6 Red Eye Tetras
2 Bleeding Heart Tetras (increased to 6)
2 BN
2 Keyhole Cichilds
12 Corydoras (one species?)
From what I've read about 2 feet long I think
Most don't exceed over half that. One of the biggest is gibbiceps but it's not called a "common"
But any of them are not suitable for a 180L
I'd rehome the yoyos as they'd need a bigger group, the bleeding heart tetras too, the common pleco, the featherfin catfish and even one of the bristlenoses but you can skip this one.
What filter has the tank got? If it is the standard 205/6 I would look at upgrading it at least x 1 if not x 2 to the 405/6 as will be much better for the tank and fish.
As for stocking...
2 keyhole chiclids (Keep)
2 angel fish (Keep - if they get on)
6 red eye tetra (Keep if you like the species)
1 kissing gourmi (Rehome)
1 silver dollar (Rehome)
2 bristlenose pleco (Keep)
12 cory (Up to you, Keep or Rehome some to get shoals of less species of corys)
1 striped dora/talking catfish (Rehome)
1 fetherfin catfish (Rehome)
2 bledding  heart tetra (If you like the species, increase the shoal to 6-10 altogether)
2 yoyo loach (Rehome)
1 common pleco (Rehome)
ok so the stocking looks like this
2 keyhole chiclids
2 angel fish
14 cory
2 bristelnose  pleco
6 red eye tetra

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