New Member
Hi guys,
I just received my imported Betta yesterday (he is my third betta). It took a week and 1/2 to get to me after he had been shipped. I noticed right away that he had rapid gill movement so I tested the water in his bag - the ammonia was sky high.
Pic below shows the ammonia level in the new tank (yellow = 0) and the ammonia level of the bag of water he was shipped in (I'm guessing around 4+ ppm).
I'm pretty sure I acclimated him properly - I let his bag float in a dark tank for 20 mins before adding small amounts of water to the bag every 5-10 mins. When the bag was full, I poured out 1/2 the water and started again until the bag was full. After a few hours, I netted, and released him.
He seemed to be doing okay this morning, he was swimming around and ate willingly. Then I noticed that he would thrash around a little bit on the sand but then would swim normally again. I checked on him a few mins ago and he's laying on the bottom of the tank with rapid gill movement.
Here is a pic of him first thing this morning, chilling on the bottom. You can see that part of his gills are stuck out near the bottom of his chin. As for now, I have a towel over his tank to keep it dark and quiet.
Any idea what this could be? Ammonia poisoning? Did I not acclimate him properly?
Here is a vid showing his gill movement:
Can anyone please offer some advice? I don't want to lose him
I just received my imported Betta yesterday (he is my third betta). It took a week and 1/2 to get to me after he had been shipped. I noticed right away that he had rapid gill movement so I tested the water in his bag - the ammonia was sky high.
Pic below shows the ammonia level in the new tank (yellow = 0) and the ammonia level of the bag of water he was shipped in (I'm guessing around 4+ ppm).

I'm pretty sure I acclimated him properly - I let his bag float in a dark tank for 20 mins before adding small amounts of water to the bag every 5-10 mins. When the bag was full, I poured out 1/2 the water and started again until the bag was full. After a few hours, I netted, and released him.
He seemed to be doing okay this morning, he was swimming around and ate willingly. Then I noticed that he would thrash around a little bit on the sand but then would swim normally again. I checked on him a few mins ago and he's laying on the bottom of the tank with rapid gill movement.
Here is a pic of him first thing this morning, chilling on the bottom. You can see that part of his gills are stuck out near the bottom of his chin. As for now, I have a towel over his tank to keep it dark and quiet.

Any idea what this could be? Ammonia poisoning? Did I not acclimate him properly?
Here is a vid showing his gill movement:

Can anyone please offer some advice? I don't want to lose him