hello everyone , i'm having a problem with my clown knife, it's attacking one oscar fish,attacking the same one all the time, how can i solve the problem?
120 liters, changing 25% ofwater every 3 days, 2 oscars one clown knife 1 red parrot and 2 bengasious, the smaller oscar was the first in the aquarium then came the clown and the bigger oscar together, now the oscar got bited and it's tail is cutted out, why is it attacking the same fish all the time? what can i do? am afraid to leave them alone ,am not turning the lights off, here is a video 2 days ago showing whats going on,, please help me and thanx for everyone from now
120 liters, changing 25% ofwater every 3 days, 2 oscars one clown knife 1 red parrot and 2 bengasious, the smaller oscar was the first in the aquarium then came the clown and the bigger oscar together, now the oscar got bited and it's tail is cutted out, why is it attacking the same fish all the time? what can i do? am afraid to leave them alone ,am not turning the lights off, here is a video 2 days ago showing whats going on,, please help me and thanx for everyone from now