Need Biotype Help


Fish Fanatic
May 16, 2012
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I've recently joined this forum after reading many of your posts. I've been thinking about getting a new 55 gallon tank, and making it an Amazon River Basin Tank. I'm aware of the driftwood/plant types I'd need to make it a good tank, but what fish would be good to be in there. I really want a discus but I obviously wouldn't be able to house a shoal of them + other fish in the 55g. I was also thinking about a Black Ghost Knife, but I'd eventually have to move him as he gets quite big(up to almost 2 feet i hear?). Would it be possible to do a single discus and add other amazon fish? Or am I just asking for trouble.
What are the dimensions of your tank mate? You could keep a pair of angels if they tickle your fancy?
The tank is a 48"L X 13" W X 21" H.

I'm kind of a newbie when it comes this, as I've only been doing it about a year, so I'm not too knowledgeable in the biotype department.

Does it make a difference if the Discus is alone at the store?

What are some other fish indigenous to the Amazon River Basin?
Have you had a look at the various kinds of Dwarf Cichlids? Have a google at some of the Apistogramma and see what you think. You could have a nice group of the many tetra found in the Amazon. A nice pleco for the bottom.

Sorry but i can't answer your discus question.

Also, i think you have enough room for a pair of Angels, but would have to be careful choosing tank mates
Discus are schooling fish and are better in groups of 6 or more. 1 on it's own will be very unhappy.
The Apistogramma looks pretty nice. I think I'm gearing toward a Community tank now that most of my original Basin fish won't work well with my tank.

What would be some suitable tankmates(of Amazon Basin Orgin) that work with Angelfish? I know Cory's and Tetras are from there, but I'm worried about them being eaten if too small. Any suggestions?
I think I've figured it out. Would there be any problems with

1 Angelfish
A school of Cardinal Tetras
A school of Orange Von Rio Flame Tetras
3 Mollies
1 Ghost Knife Fish
1 Pleco

Yes, I know the Ghost Knife will get huge, but I'm going to try and purchase a 125G tank within the next 2 years. Thanks for the help Badger.
Don't forget the cories. They are almost all SA fish and are real delight when kept in numbers.

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