Fish will up-root it untill its taken hold, if you plant enough in one go you should be ok.
lighting sounds fine to me, Ive used less in my tanks and had no problems, and the tank pictured was inert sand with NO root tabs.
you need say 5-10 pots depending on tank size, split it up into tiny bunches of say 5mm diameter (takes bloody ages) then plant it in the pattern of the number 5 on a dice, spaced 1cm apart.
you need to make sure you have good flow in your tank, that pushes down to substrate level so the ferts get pushed amongst the plants. again the tank pictured was only done with easycarbo and profito dosed as it said on the bottle. (its all im doing now in my nano but with ada amazonia, and 2weeks in and its runners galore)
thats about it really, Iv'e just followed the rules, good flow, ferts and co2. Nothing fancy as in plain sand, once a week profito, and daily easycarbo.