Hello all, lend me your wisdom!
My 5ft tropical tank has been set up for almost 2 years now (well, I say set up, it is currently undergoing a substantial makeover)
and whilst I'll eventually be happy with the way it looks, the stocking is starting to bore me
Current occupants:
x1 Large common Pleco
x1 Keyhole Cichlid
x5 Large Angelfish
x2 Bolivian Rams
x3 Flying Foxes
and approximately:
x10 Penguin Tetra
x10 Black Widow Tetra
x8 Head and Tail light Tetra
x8 Serpae Tetra
x8 Rosy Tetra
x8 Flame Tetra
x4 Red Eye Tetra
So as you can imagine, a big tank like that with small shoals of quite monochrome coloured fish. The only tetra to stick out are the Serpae, however I don't want to add to/replace these as they've been too boisterous, furthermore I've never managed to keep Corys in this tank because they always bullied them. The only visible presence in the tank comes from the top band of fish, and even these aren't colourful fish (well, the Rams are but other than that).
So my challenge is to find compatible fish that will give me some colour. I always wanted to keep to as close a natural tank as possible (the foxes being the exception). Because of the Angelfish being the alpha group, I don't really want to add anything that will compete with them (they do tolerate the Cichlid and Rams though) - Ideally I considered adding shoals of Rainbowfish (in a sense, creating a transition so that eventually in time it'd be Rainbowfish, Raspboras, Barbs etc..) but worried they'd create an unbalanced tank with the Angels. I've also ruled out Discus, they seem too much hard work.
Ideally, it is ideas for schooling fish I'm more bothered about - like I said, in time I'll add centrepiece fish to replace the Angels. I'm probably going full circle with my requirements (which would explain why I can't think of any decent fish to add!).
Fish like Cardinals, Silvertips, Glowlights would be alright (but worry about them being with large fish).
Thanks for any ideas

My 5ft tropical tank has been set up for almost 2 years now (well, I say set up, it is currently undergoing a substantial makeover)
and whilst I'll eventually be happy with the way it looks, the stocking is starting to bore me

Current occupants:
x1 Large common Pleco
x1 Keyhole Cichlid
x5 Large Angelfish
x2 Bolivian Rams
x3 Flying Foxes
and approximately:
x10 Penguin Tetra
x10 Black Widow Tetra
x8 Head and Tail light Tetra
x8 Serpae Tetra
x8 Rosy Tetra
x8 Flame Tetra
x4 Red Eye Tetra
So as you can imagine, a big tank like that with small shoals of quite monochrome coloured fish. The only tetra to stick out are the Serpae, however I don't want to add to/replace these as they've been too boisterous, furthermore I've never managed to keep Corys in this tank because they always bullied them. The only visible presence in the tank comes from the top band of fish, and even these aren't colourful fish (well, the Rams are but other than that).
So my challenge is to find compatible fish that will give me some colour. I always wanted to keep to as close a natural tank as possible (the foxes being the exception). Because of the Angelfish being the alpha group, I don't really want to add anything that will compete with them (they do tolerate the Cichlid and Rams though) - Ideally I considered adding shoals of Rainbowfish (in a sense, creating a transition so that eventually in time it'd be Rainbowfish, Raspboras, Barbs etc..) but worried they'd create an unbalanced tank with the Angels. I've also ruled out Discus, they seem too much hard work.
Ideally, it is ideas for schooling fish I'm more bothered about - like I said, in time I'll add centrepiece fish to replace the Angels. I'm probably going full circle with my requirements (which would explain why I can't think of any decent fish to add!).
Fish like Cardinals, Silvertips, Glowlights would be alright (but worry about them being with large fish).
Thanks for any ideas