Need A Little Colour In The Tank


Fish Crazy
Jan 24, 2010
Reaction score
Wigan, UK
Hello all, lend me your wisdom! :blush: :lol:

My 5ft tropical tank has been set up for almost 2 years now (well, I say set up, it is currently undergoing a substantial makeover)
and whilst I'll eventually be happy with the way it looks, the stocking is starting to bore me :sad: .

Current occupants:

x1 Large common Pleco
x1 Keyhole Cichlid
x5 Large Angelfish
x2 Bolivian Rams
x3 Flying Foxes

and approximately:

x10 Penguin Tetra
x10 Black Widow Tetra
x8 Head and Tail light Tetra
x8 Serpae Tetra
x8 Rosy Tetra
x8 Flame Tetra
x4 Red Eye Tetra

So as you can imagine, a big tank like that with small shoals of quite monochrome coloured fish. The only tetra to stick out are the Serpae, however I don't want to add to/replace these as they've been too boisterous, furthermore I've never managed to keep Corys in this tank because they always bullied them. The only visible presence in the tank comes from the top band of fish, and even these aren't colourful fish (well, the Rams are but other than that).

So my challenge is to find compatible fish that will give me some colour. I always wanted to keep to as close a natural tank as possible (the foxes being the exception). Because of the Angelfish being the alpha group, I don't really want to add anything that will compete with them (they do tolerate the Cichlid and Rams though) - Ideally I considered adding shoals of Rainbowfish (in a sense, creating a transition so that eventually in time it'd be Rainbowfish, Raspboras, Barbs etc..) but worried they'd create an unbalanced tank with the Angels. I've also ruled out Discus, they seem too much hard work.

Ideally, it is ideas for schooling fish I'm more bothered about - like I said, in time I'll add centrepiece fish to replace the Angels. I'm probably going full circle with my requirements (which would explain why I can't think of any decent fish to add!).

Fish like Cardinals, Silvertips, Glowlights would be alright (but worry about them being with large fish).

Thanks for any ideas :)
I know what you mean. I know many people have a downer on livebearers but platies are great for livening up a tank, you can get males in a selection of bright colours which are hard to find on other fish. In terms of shoaling fish, cardinal tetras are great en masse.
Thanks, Sadguppy! :)

I have kept mollies and platies in the past, and do think they are nice bubbly fish (and colourful! ;) ) However I don't think they'd be right for my tank, plus they'd breed - I wouldn't want loads of them, but at the same time I wouldn't like to see fry being eaten by my other fish. So think they are a group of fish best avoided for me personally.

One fish that I have seen and would love to keep (but never found in any LFS) is the "Super Blue" Emperor Tetra, they seem to be virtually a solid purple/blue colour, I imagine quite rare, but I bet a shoal of those would be amazing.
Empeoror Tetras are amazing but Congo tetras (Phenacogrammus interruptus) can also be very pretty, they are a large tetra so would be fine with angle fish in regards to not getting eaten by the angels. They can handle slightly acid water but not too hard, temps around 24 degrees Cel. They will appreciate a well planted tank and will eat some plant matter in the tank but mostly they will want live foods like bloodworms and mozzie wrigglers, failing getting live food they will also take frozen foods.
Mmmm tough one. You have quite a lot of fish already, whats the literage on this tank?

Your rainbows idea could work out but I know what you mean about keeping it American, but Dwarf Neons would be nice.

Its tough as well because its a big tank there are loads of options but I think its a near full to add anything with too much impact...

I hear you Wills (could to hear from you again too)..

After another night of trying to get the tank into shape following a re-scape, I'm thinking the most sensible thing to do given the current stocking is to just
opt for some added shoals of small fish and not buy anything else that would compete for the tank dominance such as more cichlids or rams.
I'm thinking some silver tip tetra may add a nice colour and their more yellow-ish appearance would work well with the orange of the Serpaes. I'm thinking some Harlequins might be another good fish, or some Cardinals/large Neons, and like I said.. if I ever managed to stumble across any, some super blue Emperor tetra.
I'd definetely keep to the South/Central American theme (obviously not the foxes). My natural answer would be to go for some bright orange Platies or some female Guppies. (some can be pretty nice and colourful).

You'd be suprised at how the difference in behavior from the livebearers to the tetras adds something. And i wouldn't worry about having fry with that stocking. They wouldn't last long surely?

What about rummys? Surely one of the most colourful tetras about? Maybe a little small though...
After more searching on the internet, I'm thinking of the following (a combination of, not all the below):

- 8x Super Blue Emporer Tetra
- 12x Silver Tip Tetra
- 12x Green Neon Tetra
- 8x Cardinal Tetra
- 12x Harlequin Raspbora
- 6x Albino Black Widow Tetra

- 1x Pair Red Breasted Acara
- 1x Pair Panda Dwarf Cichlid
- 2x Keyhole Cichlid (I feel sorry for it being on its own)
- 1x Pair of Bolivian Rams
- 1x Pair of Blue Ram
Just found these whilst searching about (and apparently, they have been (or still are) stocked in a LFS!))

Providing they're as easy to keep as most other tetra, I think I'll have to see if they've got any. They're all the colours of the rainbow! :D

I replied on the thread in the tetra section but wanted to chip in here as well.

The shop you have seen them at is Pier, cant believe I didnt realise you were from Wigan you should totally go to Pier I have been a few times and Im from Hull! Thats how good they are, amazing shop you will be spoilt for choice!!

Stocking wise I like your ideas but your cichlid mix needs a little help.

- 2x Keyhole Cichlid
- 4x Bolivian Rams
- 3 or 4x Panda Dwarf Cichlid 1m 2 or 3 f
- 1x Pair Red Breasted Acara

- 8x Super Blue Emporer Tetra
- 12x Silver Tip Tetra
- 12x Green Neon Tetra
- 8x Cardinal Tetra
- 12x Harlequin Raspbora
- 6x Albino Black Widow Tetra

Leave out the Blue Rams as they need high temps and low ph they are not the most flexable fish so I would avoid them. Also Apistos do best in hareems of multiple females with one male. Bolivians can be quite gregarious in some situations so you could consider a group of them as well?

Make sure the tank is well scaped with lots of low level caves and nooks. Large flat surfaces as well for some of the cichlids, you just need to make sure you have a variety of spawning ground and territories. And plants to break up LOS.

However if your off to Pier.... that list may change.... just wow.... Also since your over that way you should check out Rare Aquatics in Crewe an amazing set up!!

Thanks for the advice, Wills.

Yes, Pier is (one of) my LFS, I actually did my work experience there (11 years ago :blush: ). I do find it frustrating in there mind as they have so many fish, usually the tanks have a little latin scribbled on and I never really know what I'm looking at. I appreciate that over the years they have really pushed for becoming a provider of high end, expensive and rare breeds. Literally two minutes walk from there is another store, CMC - I tend to go there as they're really friendly and their stock are always good quality.

Other then that, I tend to also go to Maidenhead aquatics, that is a little further of a trek - but again, fantastic amount of knowledge from all of their staff, they run circles around me with their know how, haha. I do keep meaning to go back up to BAS at Bolton, but it is a bit of a trek. As you say mind, I do think I'll go in to Pier this weekend just to see if they still have some of these tetra.
Ah right I see, Im planning a trip to Pier in a few weeks possibly... might go check out that CMC as well :)

I know what you mean at Pier,with the names though. I usually grab the owner Niel to try and get some info on them he is pretty good but some of the other staff do struggle some times... If you are close by why not go have a look take down some names and look them up and go back the next day? Failing that if youve got a smart phone get online while your out :)


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