Need A Decent, Quiet External Filter


Fish Fanatic
Apr 20, 2012
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Hey, I have an aqua style 620T and the main filter failed a couple of months ago. I bought a filter from maidenhead aquatics which was for a 100-200l tank but isnt powerful enough to support the fish i have. 
So i am going to buy an external filter tomorrow when i get paid but im not really sure what one to get.
It needs to be quiet as the tanks in my room, il have the spray bar just underneath the waters surface so it ripples but doesn't make a noise, i preferably dont want it to be really expensive but i dont want something bad quality 

here are the ones i am looking into atm:

AquaManta EFX 200 External Filter (maybe 300)
Tetra Tec EX 700 External Filter
Hagen Fluval 206 External Filter

Aqua-Pro 400
Does anyone have one of these and can share there experience with them? Or if there are any others which you think will be good? :)
The fish i have in the tank are:
5 platinum angels (bodies size of 50p coin) will be reduced to 2 when i get a pair
4 five banded barbs
4 odessa barbs
4 cories
1 brisstlenose
1 clown plec
1 l048 (3 inches big)
1 blue armoured shrimp
The current filter is literally on the limit, its getting clogged up so quickly, i would've got a better one but thats all i could afford at the time :( 
Thanks in advance 
Rob :)
Check out all pond solutions there range is great and very well priced.
I also have 2 x  EFX 200 External Filter for my 400 litre tank (turning over 4 times an hour) which I am happy with but I think I should have got 300's but not to worry.
I bought a second hand aquarium that is 215Litres (Aqua980) and it came with an external All Ponds Solution 1400EF which has the option of a UV filter.  I have it in my bedroom and it is very quiet.  I have yet to open it since having it up and running, as the aquarium also has a filter in the hood, so cannot say how efficient it is.  The aquarium is very clean and this filter has good reviews.  When I got mine it had broken hinges to lock it down so when I turned it on water came out!  Rather than pay about £20 for replacements I got a Ratchet Strap for £2.50 from a local store and put that around it - fixed for a fraction of the cost. 
I am guessing you are in the UK having used Maidenhead, did you go back to them that your filter was not strong enough as my LFS of MA is usually pretty good at sorting things like that out?  Check out YouTube as you can often get a good idea of a filter from reviews on there, can sometimes see/hear them running too.
Keep us posted on what you get...
I have Aqua manta 100U, for my 200L tank. Would never ever buy any other brand again. In love with it, Best filter I've ever used.
I myself would avoid All ponds due to there "ify filter issues and poor support" :p
I have the All Pond Solutions 1000 L/H and the 1400 L/H on my two tanks, I find they are easy to maintain, have great flow, are affordable and I would say the UV steriliser is worth the extra cash whether or not it actually does much as it is not much at all. 
Practical Fishkeeping did a very favourable review of the 2000 L/H model and if i was going to take anybodies opinion then i would take theirs. The review is only short and can be found here (PDF format):
I think from what I've seen and heard, there are questions over the quality of APS products however they seem to score highly on customer service.
I have a aqua one aquis 750 external canister filter. Bought it second hand from a guy as he said he couldnt stand the noise. I took it appart and changed the impeller and its silent as the desert.
He had it a few years so i guess this would be a good buy. the filter was £100 and replacement impeller was £7.
Not bad for a used filter which should last me a few more years
I have the Aquamanta 200 from maidenhead aquatics and its awesome. It's silent in the cabinet under the tank, it beats my old fluval 205 in every aspect.

I wold say your search is over :)
There is a good review for the above filter in PFK (Practical Fishkeeping), google it
The Fluval range have been going quite cheap recently, I got a 305 for around £70 with a 1000LPH flow on it, similar sort of price to the APS range but (from what I've been told by many members of this forum) a much better build than APS.
Thanks for all your input, i have narrowed it down to the Fluval 206 or the EFX 200. Ive chosen these 2 as the maidenhead stocks the media for the EFX and the other lfs stocks the media for Fluval so getting parts etc will be a lot easier.
Will probably get the EFX over the 2 as i prefer maidenhead to the other shop and ive heard one in action and it was really quiet. The stock filter on the 620T could sometimes be really loud if it wasnt balanced right lol
The APS does look good and the reviews for them are good too but im guessing parts and media will be harder to get as you can only get it online? There aren't any lfs that stock that brand around my area.
Anyway thanks again for all your help
rob_cool1 said:
Thanks for all your input, i have narrowed it down to the Fluval 206 or the EFX 200. Ive chosen these 2 as the maidenhead stocks the media for the EFX and the other lfs stocks the media for Fluval so getting parts etc will be a lot easier.
Will probably get the EFX over the 2 as i prefer maidenhead to the other shop and ive heard one in action and it was really quiet. The stock filter on the 620T could sometimes be really loud if it wasnt balanced right lol
The APS does look good and the reviews for them are good too but im guessing parts and media will be harder to get as you can only get it online? There aren't any lfs that stock that brand around my area.
Anyway thanks again for all your help
Just to let you know with the APS range I'd buy from there website, free next day delivery via their courier service so I wouldn't worry about where to get it from. I was thinking APS but was warned off it as their build quality isn't great apparently. 

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